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Banners for newbies


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Hi there,


I am really really new to PHP and am obviously having some issues.

After much trawling managed to post flash banners but the banner manager is only letting me post in one size; 468x60.

My preference would be to have a larger banner positioned where the "welcome to Bulldog Hockey" header is, and shift that down a bit. Take a look;




Is there any way of doing these things?


I know it's basic but any feedback or recomendations for my site would be much appreciated.


Many thanks


Dave Edwards :thumbsup:

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Can anybody help with this? anyone?

Dear dave,


I am new .. but I have seen you can change images size... so probably there is an option to change banner size.. I think I saw somwhere during browsing this forum similar conversation... . however I went to your site could not see anything yet.. only error message at this moment. I can browse again .. as I cannot rember if it was in documention or forum itself .. but I have seen somwhere size adjustements.

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I was probably trying to fix it...

Yeah the changing size shouldnt be too much of an issue. Its just placing the banner at the top of the page (where the header is) thats causing me issues now.



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