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"Dynamenu" for osCommerce

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I mean at the bottom of my template and, yes, it's within the <?php ?> tags. Any suggestions?


Try to put it at the end of these files:



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Hi All


This add-on is brilliant when it's working. I thought I had resolved my issue in my post above concerning the lack of drop down menus when I had this $show_dmcats_as_box = false; in dm_categories.php by copying and pasting the various javascript files that are before the menu. I then didn't realise that part of it is dynamically generated and when I changed the stores categories it messed it up.


I now only get a drop down menu when the $show_dmcats_as_box is set to true, but get the menu all out of line with the site layout, when I set the above setting to false the main categories show but there are no drop down menus due to the fact that there is no javascript files showing above the menu. Everything else is there in the page.


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks



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I'm still pulling my hair out over this one, why when I set $show_dmcats_as_box = false; in dm_categories.php does the javascript not show in the resulting page. I'm getting the categories listed but no drop down menus. All the relevant code is showing for the categories and the drop down menus at the base of the page.


I have checked everything but just can't see why this is happening, can anyone please help.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, not sure if anyone else has come across the problem below as I have a very heavily customised site but thought I'd share my fix just in case. I was approached by our head developer to try and find a way to construct a mirror site for one of our customers to be able to expand the sites features from the current asp.net system, (a thousand apologies for swearing there,) using the fantastic range of contributions from our ever growing community.


I've been using this add-on for a number of sites I support recently after coming across the article manager contribution and finding out that you can use the two together :D, however, after handing a recent system over to a customer we discovered that there was a slight bug that presented itself when using the two contributions along with the popular url rewrite contribution. The bug only presented when a topic was added within a topic, or a category within a category. When this situation occured if the user were to select the child topic of category the topic / category id was being passed to the query string along with the topic / category id from the parent, for example if parent id = 6 and child id = 10 the query string was passing 6_10.


I managed to solve this problem by locating the line below: (around line 290 for me)


$tPath_new = 'tPath=' . implode("_", array_slice($GLOBALS['tPath_set'], 0, ($level+1)));



After a little trial and error I found that the offending little bugger was the 0 which when simply changed to a 1 solved the problem, new line below


$tPath_new = 'tPath=' . implode("_", array_slice($GLOBALS['tPath_set'], 1, ($level+1)));



Hope this helps anyone else with the same problem.

Edited by Jan Zonjee
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  • 2 weeks later...

Try to use preg_replace instead..


Hi , it took me a while to find this out but if i try the "preg_replace" the menu itself keeps working but it doesn´t point to the products anymore , ie , it doesn´t open other pages etc.

When i look at the bottom of the browser , were the webaddress is shown it just shows a "#" at the end instead of the number of the product.


Any ideas about this?


Many thanks in advance, Rob

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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone converted Dynamenu to work with osC 2.3.1 yet? I've tried moving the dm_categories.php file to the 'boxes' folder and then installing it on the admin side to no avail.


Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi is there anyone that can help me. I have just installed dynamenu and it all works fine except I cant get the border to match the site and the infoboxheading is still showing with the old catagories and not dm_catogories http://www.directvibrators.com Many thanks



in dm_categories.php after

 Released under the GNU General Public License




echo '<div style="border:1px solid #cecece">';

change color to what you want


find right at bottom of the file




change it to


echo '</div>';

as for old categories delete the cache in admin tools>cache



Edited by steve_s
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I have, what I consider, a very robust oscommerce site with 16 main categories. I need Dynamenu to split its horizontal menu output to, at the very least, two rows. Is this possible? I searched the forum and see the question has been raised, to no avail. Crossing my fingers here! Thank you.



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Hi is there anyone that can help me. I have just installed dynamenu and it all works fine except I cant get the border to match the site and the infoboxheading is still showing with the old catagories and not dm_catogories http://www.directvibrators.com Many thanks

Hi you can change the layout using the css i think there is a section explaining how to customise



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Hi you can change the layout using the css i think there is a section explaining how to customise



Thanks Steve,


I have tried that, but its just giving me a ?> above the catogories. I have tried moding the stylesheet aswell, I installed dynamenu on a new site and it was perfect, but its not working on this site and I dont know why. It seems to be treating the header as the old catogories and the contents as the dnamenu, if that makes sense. Would love your feed back. Scott

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Thanks Steve,


I have tried that, but its just giving me a ?> above the catogories. I have tried moding the stylesheet aswell, I installed dynamenu on a new site and it was perfect, but its not working on this site and I dont know why. It seems to be treating the header as the old catogories and the contents as the dnamenu, if that makes sense. Would love your feed back. Scott

have you tried tried copying files on the one that works to the site that dont work ?



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I am using

Enable & Disable Categories (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,326


) for this template.


seems it can't work correctly.


Would you please help to give your suggestion asap?


Thanks & Best Regards,


hi use a file compare tool like winmerge and see what code you need to add to dm_categories.php



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have dynamenu installed on my site and it was working fine until.

I had to restore a database that was prior to the installation of dynamenu.

Now it is resorted back to the original menu system.


Where should I look to get it working again.


It must be something with my database since that was the only thing that has changed.


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm using Dynamenu with STS and everything is working fine with the tree menu.

Is there a way to have the first level of categories display the sub-categories when clicked?

At the moment, only clicking the + image or file image will display sub-categories without changing the page itself. Clicking the category name displays the category page to the right and displays the subcategories on the left.

But I just want the top level of categories to display subcategories underneath without changing anything else.


Is this possible?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, i have managed to install dynamenu with STS 4.1 but the submenu appears off my template in the bottom left corner? Any reason why this is? Also what settings would i be required to amend this as i need it to show right below my categories...


Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have added this contribution and it seems to work fine. However, the only problem that i have is the width of the boxes (in left column). The boxes are now much wider than i want, as they are fitting in the category names (ie: not wrapping the text and having narrow box). - www.fitness-shop.com.auDoes anyone know of a fix for this? i have searched for an answer, but have not had any luck.




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  • 2 weeks later...

we are using this menu working fine


but some more modification we need. how to display the products links in dropdown. if we click the products link to directly move to products page.


where i have to change?

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Dynamenu is an add-in box which will display your categories as a DTHML horizontal drop-down or vertical fly-out menu, an expandable/collapsable tree menu, or even as plain vertical or horizontal menus. The main file includes easy to set options to set the type of menu you desire and the way it behaves. With Dynamenu, you can even opt not to display it in the usual "box" so that it can be seamlessly integrated with your store template for a truly custom look!


Dynamenu is powered by the excellent PHP Layers Menu library which has been extensively tested for cross-browser compatibility and is driven by a well-commented stylesheet to make it easy to modify. Most menus use Javascript but are rendered on-the-fly as HTML, so they fall back nicely for the poor souls without Javascript enabled.


Get Dynamenu for osCommerce in the contributions section here...


Sorry, can't post a link to a demo, but if you search Google for Dynamenu or PHP Layers Menu, it won't be hard to find...


Any feedback or questions are welcomed below, or just post your store link showing off your new menu!


we are using this menu it is working fine but we need to display products link when we mouse over the category link.


how to change the code?

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