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"Dynamenu" for osCommerce

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This is an amazing tool for my Cart! Thank you!


I'm looking for a way to add a custom HTML section around the sub-menu, at least to the bottom of the box.


I'm using a horizontal menu (0), and I'd like to have an additional HTML section, hopefully a different one per top category.

If it's possible, my main goal would be to embed the subcategories menu into an HTML code, to customize the options per category.


See it in action here:

- http://www.sweetwater.com/

- http://www.musiciansfriend.com/




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I'll be wanting a nested/hidden drop-down category menu like this one: http://www.illustratedliving.co.uk/


Is this approximately achievable by the "drop-down" mode of Dynamenu?


Forgive me for asking, but it's confusing working through the updates History. Are the original contributions by nate_02631 in May 2006 all I need to approximately achieve this, still? I'm using 2.2rc2a



Thanks someone!



yeah, you just need to choose the horizmenu template - works great. :)

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thanks for the brilliant contrib, haven't found anything else like it!


have a css question : am trying to get my first level categories to maintain their style effect (change font and background colors) while a user scrolls over the submenu (using horizontal drop menu). i'm used to doing this with a ul li, but can't seem to find a way around it since DM is using td and div.


any ideas?




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  • 3 weeks later...

I was wondering if anyone knows if Dynamenu is compatible with contributions which optimize the category box. (speeding up OScommerce)



tep_show_category optimization





Optimize categories box



or another way to optimize it, without disabling category count.

Edited by freakenstein
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( :thumbsup: Thanks jennyb for your reply, but I went for vertical flyouts.)





So my vertical flyouts are being obscured by my product thumbnails in Product Listing Enhancements.


I thought something simple like this (z-index) would do it:


.vertsubframe { /* Color of submenu item and border */

background-color: #7f776f;

border: 2px solid #ffffff;

position: relative;

display: block;

padding: 2px;

z-index: 1; (or a higher number)



But alas no. Any ideas anyone?

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So my vertical flyouts are being obscured by my product thumbnails in Product Listing Enhancements.


I thought something simple like this (z-index) would do it:


.vertsubframe { /* Color of submenu item and border */

background-color: #7f776f;

border: 2px solid #ffffff;

position: relative;

display: block;

padding: 2px;

z-index: 1; (or a higher number)



But alas no. Any ideas anyone?


it does sound like a z-index problem...you might try applying it to a div wrapper rather than the main meny class (i used one for the placement of my menu), and go ahead and put a huge number like 1000. i too am using Product listing enhancements, but didn't have this problem...

good luck!


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I read about all pages of this forum but I still cant' get the menu to be working on my site. I am trying to make the vertical menu work, but the sub menu doesn't open. I am using STS version 4.6 and people with version 4.5.8 have manged to make it work so is there anything thats needs to be added to make it work with STS v4.6. Can someone please help.


My site is www. The cheap laptops [dot] co [dot] uk

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I read about all pages of this forum but I still cant' get the menu to be working on my site. I am trying to make the vertical menu work, but the sub menu doesn't open. I am using STS version 4.6 and people with version 4.5.8 have manged to make it work so is there anything thats needs to be added to make it work with STS v4.6. Can someone please help.


My site is www. The cheap laptops [dot] co [dot] uk


There is no difference in DM installation for sts548 or sts46, same thing and easy to do:

1) You install SM as per instructions

2) You create a box in file includes/modules/sts_inc/column_left.php

  require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'dm_categories.php');
 $sts->restart_capture('dmbox', 'box'); // Get Dynamenu Category box

3) You add to the bottom of includes/application_bottom.php

  // Output the footer for Dynamenu for osCommerce
   echo $GLOBALS['dmfooter'];


I suspect that you didn't do the last step correctly or at all

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There is no difference in DM installation for sts548 or sts46, same thing and easy to do:

1) You install SM as per instructions

2) You create a box in file includes/modules/sts_inc/column_left.php

  require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'dm_categories.php');
 $sts->restart_capture('dmbox', 'box'); // Get Dynamenu Category box

3) You add to the bottom of includes/application_bottom.php

  // Output the footer for Dynamenu for osCommerce
   echo $GLOBALS['dmfooter'];


I suspect that you didn't do the last step correctly or at all


Thank you for your reply

I did do all of the steps including the last one but I might have placed it to the wrong place. can you please check for me?

Here is my code for application_bottom:


 $Id: application_bottom.php 1739 2007-12-20 00:52:16Z hpdl $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License
// START STS 4.3.3

if ($sts->display_template_output) {
include DIR_WS_MODULES.'sts_inc/sts_display_output.php';
//END STS 4.3.3
// close session (store variables)

 if (STORE_PAGE_PARSE_TIME == 'true') {
   $time_start = explode(' ', PAGE_PARSE_START_TIME);
   $time_end = explode(' ', microtime());
   $parse_time = number_format(($time_end[1] + $time_end[0] - ($time_start[1] + $time_start[0])), 3);
   error_log(strftime(STORE_PARSE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT) . ' - ' . getenv('REQUEST_URI') . ' (' . $parse_time . 's)' . "\n", 3, STORE_PAGE_PARSE_TIME_LOG);

   if (DISPLAY_PAGE_PARSE_TIME == 'true') {
     echo '<span class="smallText">Parse Time: ' . $parse_time . 's</span>';

 if ( (GZIP_COMPRESSION == 'true') && ($ext_zlib_loaded == true) && ($ini_zlib_output_compression < 1) ) {
   if ( (PHP_VERSION < '4.0.4') && (PHP_VERSION >= '4') ) {
 // Output the footer for Dynamenu for osCommerce
   echo $GLOBALS['dmfooter'];

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Thank you for your reply

I did do all of the steps including the last one but I might have placed it to the wrong place. can you please check for me?

Here is my code for application_bottom:


This looks ok. Next to think about is if you added the necessary part to your stylesheet?

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This looks ok. Next to think about is if you added the necessary part to your stylesheet?


Thanks for your reply once again.


I have added the all part of the css to the stylesheet.css in the root and also in the template stylesheet.


I also added the given code in includes/footer.php


here is my includes/footer.php


// START STS 4.5
if ($sts->display_template_output) {
// Get content here, in case column_right is not called.
if (!isset($sts->template['content']))
 $sts->restart_capture ('content');
} else {
 $Id: footer.php 1739 2007-12-20 00:52:16Z hpdl $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'counter.php');
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
 <tr class="footer">
<td class="footer">  <?php $date_time = tep_db_datetime(); echo strftime(DATE_FORMAT_LONG, strtotime($date_time)); ?>  </td>
   <td align="right" class="footer">  <?php echo $counter_now . ' ' . FOOTER_TEXT_REQUESTS_SINCE . ' ' . $counter_startdate_formatted; ?>  </td>
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <td align="center" class="smallText"><?php echo FOOTER_TEXT_BODY; ?></td>
 if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', '468x50')) {
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <td align="center"><?php echo tep_display_banner('static', $banner); ?></td>
 // Output the footer for Dynamenu for osCommerce
   echo $GLOBALS['dmfooter'];
// START STS 4.1
// END STS 4.1



if ($request_type == NONSSL) {   /* only show adsense in NON SSL else it causes warning */
<center><script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-1496754550420398";
/* 468x60, created 2/13/10 */
google_ad_slot = "0158817959";
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
<script type="text/javascript"

<?php }
<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-12942730-1");
} catch(err) {}</script>


I don't know what is causing it not to pop out?

Edited by sahilsaid
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 // Output the footer for Dynamenu for osCommerce
   echo $GLOBALS['dmfooter'];
// START STS 4.1
// END STS 4.1



I don't know what is causing it not to pop out?

This is not right. The last part of your footer.php should look like this:

// START STS 4.1
// END STS 4.1
// Output the footer for Dynamenu for osCommerce
echo $GLOBALS['dmfooter'];

What was the rest of the code you have in your footer.php ?

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This is not right. The last part of your footer.php should look like this:

// START STS 4.1
// END STS 4.1
// Output the footer for Dynamenu for osCommerce
echo $GLOBALS['dmfooter'];

What was the rest of the code you have in your footer.php ?


I replaced the footer.php with the original footer.php from the original installation of oscommerce rc2a and added the required codes from STS installation document


now it looks as following: (the last part)


 if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', '468x50')) {
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <td align="center"><?php echo tep_display_banner('static', $banner); ?></td>
 // START STS 4.1
// END STS 4.1
// Output the footer for Dynamenu for osCommerce
       echo $GLOBALS['dmfooter'];



I think its not the footer.php its something else...

Thanks for your help.

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I think its not the footer.php its something else...

Thanks for your help.

I have investigated your sites source now and I think I have found the problem.

I had the same problem here. In your template you are using you have this at the bottom:

<div id="website_name">Cheap Laptops, Desktops and Accessories</div>

I had to remove the closing </div> for the menu to work:

<div id="website_name">Cheap Laptops, Desktops and Accessories

Normally I will close a div tag, but in this case I cant do that because of the menu.

Try this..

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I have investigated your sites source now and I think I have found the problem.

I had the same problem here. In your template you are using you have this at the bottom:

<div id="website_name">Cheap Laptops, Desktops and Accessories</div>

I had to remove the closing </div> for the menu to work:

<div id="website_name">Cheap Laptops, Desktops and Accessories

Normally I will close a div tag, but in this case I cant do that because of the menu.

Try this..


Here is the source code after removing the </body> tag in the template but still no joy:



              <p align="center"><span class="outline"><img src="https://checkout.google.com/buttons/checkout.gif?merchant_id=462717824443738&w=180&h=46&style=trans&variant=text&loc=en_US"><img class="media" id="fullSizedImage" src="/images/solo_footer.jpg" alt="solo_footer.jpg picture by sahilsaid" galleryimg="no" style="width: 48px; height: 60px; cursor: default;"><img src="/images/maestro_footer.jpg" alt="maestro_footer.jpg picture by sahilsaid" name="fullSizedImage" class="media" id="fullSizedImage" style="width: 90px; height: 60px; cursor: default;" galleryimg="no">  <img class="media" id="fullSizedImage" src="/images/paypal_footer.gif" alt="paypal_footer.gif picture by sahilsaid" galleryimg="no" style="width: 71px; height: 41px; cursor: default;"><img class="media" id="fullSizedImage" src="/images/visa_mastercard.jpg" alt="visa_mastercard-2.jpg picture by sahilsaid" galleryimg="no" style="width: 70px; height: 73px; cursor: default;"><img class="media" id="fullSizedImage" src="/images/mastercard_footer.gif" alt="mastercard_footer.gif picture by sahilsaid" galleryimg="no" style="width: 99px; height: 41px; cursor: default;"></span><img src="/images/footer_info2.jpg" width="300" height="38"><span class="outline"><img class="media" id="fullSizedImage" src="/images/verified_by_visa_footer.jpg" alt="visa_mastercard-1.gif picture by sahilsaid" galleryimg="no" style="width: 90px; height: 47px; cursor: default;"></span><br>



 <div id="background_middle"></div>

 <div id="background_top"></div>

 <div id="background_bottom"></div>


<div id="website_name">Cheap Laptops, Desktops and Accessories


</html><!-- beginning of menu footer - PHP Layers Menu 3.2.0-rc (C) 2001-2004 Marco Pratesi - http://www.marcopratesi.it/ -->

<div id="L4" class="vertsubmenu" onmouseover="clearLMTO();" onmouseout="setLMTO();">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td nowrap="nowrap">
<div class="vertsubframe">

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Here is the source code after removing the </body> tag in the template but still no joy:


I can now see on your top Categories menu that submenus are popping up.

You are testing since there is two Categoris menus on your site now? wink.gif

Now you have to make them popup next to the main menu..

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I can now see on your top Categories menu that submenus are popping up.

You are testing since there is two Categoris menus on your site now? wink.gif

Now you have to make them popup next to the main menu..



So do you have any idea how to make them popuup next to the main menu. I can't see them poping out? how did you notice that?


Yes, I am testing this menu and will remove the original categories box once this one works as expected.

Thanks for your quick replies.

Edited by sahilsaid
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So do you have any idea how to make them popuup next to the main menu. I can't see them poping out? how did you notice that?


Yes, I am testing this menu and will remove the original categories box once this one works as expected.

Thanks for your quick replies.

I dont know what you are doing, but now they are not showing?

When you get them showing you have to experiment with this in your catalog/includes/boxes/dm_categories.php

$menu_layer_offset = array (-42,104,4); //0,4,4

to place them right with your main menu.

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So do you have any idea how to make them popuup next to the main menu. I can't see them poping out? how did you notice that?

Yes, I am testing this menu and will remove the original categories box once this one works as expected.

Thanks for your quick replies.

Btw, here is my settings in dm_categories.php

$menu_type = 1;
$show_dmcats_as_box = true;    
$menu_use_titles = true; 
$menu_icon_file = 'folder2.gif';
$menu_icon_file_active = 'folder_open2.gif';
$menu_icon_width = 16;
$menu_icon_height = 16;
$menu_fwdarrowimg  = 'forward-arrow.png';  
$menu_downarrowimg = 'down-arrow.png';  
$show_full_tree = true;  
$menu_tree_current_path = true;    
$menu_layer_offset = array (-42,104,4); //0,4,4
$GLOBALS['dm_tree_folder_icons'] = true;
$before_nobox_html = '';
$after_nobox_html = '';
$divide_subcats = 0; 
$divide_subcats_text = 'more...'; 

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I dont know what you are doing, but now they are not showing?

When you get them showing you have to experiment with this in your catalog/includes/boxes/dm_categories.php

$menu_layer_offset = array (-42,104,4); //0,4,4

to place them right with your main menu.



Okay, but where did see it pop out ?, when it was working. was it the bottom or at the far right of the website?, which partof the website?, once it is visible then it will be easy to place it by modifiying the code as you said.



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Okay, but where did see it pop out ?, when it was working. was it the bottom or at the far right of the website?, which partof the website?, once it is visible then it will be easy to place it by modifiying the code as you said.

I was on your front page (home) and they popped up in the center and on the right of the screen, dont remember exactly..

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I was on your front page (home) and they popped up in the center and on the right of the screen, dont remember exactly..


Hi Sijo,


Its working now perfectly.


I replaced this line in dm_categories.php

[code]$menu_layer_offset = array (-42,104,4); //0,4,4

to this following line

$menu_layer_offset = array (-42,104,4); //0,4,4


and the pop-up started appearing in the middle of the page and then as You said (sijo) I played around with this line and finally to make it perfect and make it pop-up next to the main category box I used this setting.


  $menu_layer_offset = array (-70,413,20);	//(0,4,4)


Thanks so much SIJO for all your help, really appreciate it.

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I'm glad you made it..thumbsup.gif



Just had a final question that when I opened up my website in my laptop which has lower resolution than my desktop computer and in laptop the vertical menu appears at different place than in my desktop. So is there any way to overcome this problem, if not that I am just happy with this.


So when the resolution changes the setting in dm_categories.php also gets affected and the pop-up are displayed accordingly.


Thanks for your help.

Edited by sahilsaid
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