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Where is my Order?


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Apparently others have had this issue. I received a PayPal payment for an order but do not see the order anywhere in my website. I have no idea what this customer purchased. I have read other responses indicating that I need to change the "return to url" info on my PayPal account. Where exactly do I go in PayPal to change this? I looked under profile but didn't see it. Many thanks for any help you can provide.

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if it's only paypal try the paypal IPN contribution. But if you have the problem with multiple gateways you could install the recover cart sales contribution where you see the abandoned carts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am using Authorize.net and I am also having the same problem, orders are being made but I have no idea what people have ordered!


I was also told about changing the return URL but I don't know where to find this and what to change it to.



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Sign into paypal

Under the My Account Tab, click the link to your Profile

under your Selling Preferences colum click the link to your Website Payment Preferences.


This is where you will edit your return to website information.

Read the full page carefully.

Her is an example of the link needed after payment process is complete.




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  • 3 months later...

If you are using the standard Pay Pal module and are not receiving the orders back into osCommerce then install the osCommerce Pay Pal IPN module - which presaves orders before people go to Pay Pal. If they don't return then at least you have a copy of the order.


Go to your Pay Pal account and turn on the Auto-Return feature, which will automatically return people to your site after a short delay. You should do this for both the default and the osCommerce Pay Pal IPN module. The return url is something like http://www.yourdomain.com/checkout_process.php (adjust for your domain).


Make sure that your http cookie domain setting is correct in your includes/configure.php file (and your https cookie domain if you use ssl). Neither the http nor the https cookie domain start with http:// or https:// - it's a domain setting and not a url.



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I am having a similar problem but not with Pay Pal.

I use Pay Mate (australian) and money order in my payment options and 9 times out of 10 everything works perfectly.


Although every now and then when someone places an order and pays using pay mate an order doesnt show up in the oscommerce admin. I emailed the people and asked them what they ordered and about any errors they recieved and what computers they use etc...


The response was all 5 customers who it has happened to were using macintosh computers. Although 1 cust wasnt, so that threw that idea out the window...


Still don't know how to fix it. But I think it might have something to do with what browers people use... It only happens when they pay through pay mate though, not money orders

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In modules/payment/paypal.php find line 71-73


Change to:


 function confirmation() {


Then in includes/languages/english/modules/payment/paypal.php



define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_TEXT_DESCRIPTION1', 'Thank you for shopping with ourselves, you have selected to pay for your order by <b>PayPAL</b>.<br>To complete your order, please click on the <b>Confirm Order</b> button below. You will be redirected to PayPAL\'s Secure Payment portal.<font color=red> It is <b>VERY IMPORTANT</b>, once payment has been sent to PayPAL that you click the PayPAL \'Return to Merchant button\' to complete this order.</font> Thank you.');


This will produce a reminder text at the bottom of the checkout process that the customer must click the return to merchant button on paypal.


Also, log into your paypal account and click on profile then set the return URL address to http://www.mysite.com/catalog/checkout_process.php


That should help reduce the failed checkouts and returns

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  • 5 months later...

Having the right redirect URL seems important (e.g., the http://www.yoursitenamehere.com/catalog/checkout_process.php, or whichever is appropriate for your payment module), but there could be another issue . . . the redirect process may take a few seconds too long for some customers, and if they close their browser or somehow stop the redirect back to your site, won't this prevent the order from getting registered as a successful order in your database?


Since this may be true, I've written a message on the Order Confirmation page (or the page that appears before the customer is redirected to my payment processor). The message (with color highlighting and bold letters) tells them to read the text . . . which tells them not to close their browser after they complete their credit card processing, before they are redirected back to my site, and that if they do so, their order will not get registered with me. It's written nicely but I hope clearly and emphatically enough so that they don't do it.


If you've ever encountered slow redirects, you may know how it is . . . if it just seems to hang (although it would eventually go to the return page), you just feel like moving on, and so you close the browser to end the hang up.

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If You are using the default Paypal Module that comes with oscommerce

this is bound to happen.


As the order ispopulated on checkout_success.php page which is executed

after a customer returns back from paypal.


Some customers may not click return as they are least worried and so

this will happen or if internet connection breaks.


My suggestion is to install Paypal IPN contribution and this issues wil

be over.

Also add order holding contribution.



Satish Mantri

Ask/Skype for Free osCommerce value addon/SEO suggestion tips for your site.


Check My About US For who am I and what My company does.

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That sounds like it's a good solution if you are using PayPal, but if you are using other payment processors/resellers (e.g., 2Checkout, Authorizenet, etc.), as one of the posters -- SmartMovez -- said he's using, you don't have that solution to install. Or, is there a similar contribution to install?


Does anyone have a 'order holding' contribution that provides a similar solution as the PayPal IPN solution, for other payment processors, such as 2Checkout or Authorizenet?


In the meantime, having the message about not closing the browser before being redirected back to the shopping cart can only help and seems will probably stop the problem until an 'order holding' solution is installed for your payment processing module.

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We have the same problem, so i need to setting a Admin password at Login.PHP , so i can login in by buyer Email and searh the order.


Find the code on Login.php( Line 33), and change to below, the password you can register one and find it on the MYSQL.


if (!(tep_validate_password($password, $check_customer['customers_password']) || tep_validate_password($password,'7465e22fbc81a00523454352347e:60'))) {

$error = true;



but this not very well, i need to create another data-table to manage this orders.


Is it possible to create some modules for the admin to add the orders? Then if the order not success insert into database, we can hand add one for the Customers.

Edited by gameyeeeah
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We have the same problem, so i need to setting a Admin password at Login.PHP , so i can login in by buyer Email and searh the order.


Find the code on Login.php( Line 33), and change to below, the password you can register one and find it on the MYSQL.


if (!(tep_validate_password($password, $check_customer['customers_password']) || tep_validate_password($password,'7465e22fbc81a00523454352347e:60'))) {

$error = true;



but this not very well, i need to create another data-table to manage this orders.


Is it possible to create some modules for the admin to add the orders? Then if the order not success insert into database, we can hand add one for the Customers.

Well there is a contribution that allows admin to add order manually just check the contribution section.

Also ou can use master password contribution to do it from the user interface.



Satish Mantri

Ask/Skype for Free osCommerce value addon/SEO suggestion tips for your site.


Check My About US For who am I and what My company does.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everybody. Well, i've got another problem here. I don't use an on-line payment module. I use only Payment @ delivery. My web site was working ok. Then i've tried to optimize my files for search engine. I've added a contribution for meta tags. The site was running smooth. After that i've added a contrib ("Ultimate Seo Url") and the site was working fine but the orders didn't show up in my admin and in my "history orders". Then i've uninstalled the "Ultimate Seo Url" contrib, but still i've got the same problem, My orders won't show up. After a few days i've reached the next conclusion. The main problem for not displaying my orders was because my sql `orders_total` table it's not populated. The rest of my orders tables are working fine, are populated. Here i'm gonna show you my orders tables: (clean fields).



-- Dumping data for table `orders`




-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_products`



CREATE TABLE `orders_products` (

`orders_products_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`products_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`products_model` varchar(12) default NULL,

`products_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',

`products_price` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',

`final_price` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',

`products_tax` decimal(7,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',

`products_quantity` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_products_id`)




-- Dumping data for table `orders_products`





-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_products_attributes`



CREATE TABLE `orders_products_attributes` (

`orders_products_attributes_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`orders_products_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`products_options` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

`products_options_values` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

`options_values_price` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',

`price_prefix` char(1) NOT NULL default '',

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_products_attributes_id`)




-- Dumping data for table `orders_products_attributes`




-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_products_download`



CREATE TABLE `orders_products_download` (

`orders_products_download_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`orders_products_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`orders_products_filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

`download_maxdays` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',

`download_count` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_products_download_id`)




-- Dumping data for table `orders_products_download`




-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_status`



CREATE TABLE `orders_status` (

`orders_status_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`language_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',

`orders_status_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_status_id`,`language_id`),

KEY `idx_orders_status_name` (`orders_status_name`)




-- Dumping data for table `orders_status`



INSERT INTO `orders_status` VALUES (1, 1, 'Pending');

INSERT INTO `orders_status` VALUES (2, 1, 'Processing');

INSERT INTO `orders_status` VALUES (3, 1, 'Delivered');


-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_status_history`



CREATE TABLE `orders_status_history` (

`orders_status_history_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`orders_status_id` int(5) NOT NULL default '0',

`date_added` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

`customer_notified` int(1) default '0',

`comments` text,

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_status_history_id`)




-- Dumping data for table `orders_status_history`




-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_total`



CREATE TABLE `orders_total` (

`orders_total_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

`orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

`text` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

`value` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',

`class` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

`sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_total_id`),

KEY `idx_orders_total_orders_id` (`orders_id`)





-- Dumping data for table `orders_total`



This is how my 4 fields look like. I'm guessing that my table looks just fine. Now i'm thinking i've got a problem with a file but i don't know witch one. Please i really need help with this one. I've already post messages in Chemo's Ultimate Seo Contrib Url's, but they don't know the problem and sent me here.


Thanks in advance, Cezar.

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Hello everybody. Well, i've got another problem here. I don't use an on-line payment module. I use only Payment @ delivery. My web site was working ok. Then i've tried to optimize my files for search engine. I've added a contribution for meta tags. The site was running smooth. After that i've added a contrib ("Ultimate Seo Url") and the site was working fine but the orders didn't show up in my admin and in my "history orders". Then i've uninstalled the "Ultimate Seo Url" contrib, but still i've got the same problem, My orders won't show up. After a few days i've reached the next conclusion. The main problem for not displaying my orders was because my sql `orders_total` table it's not populated. The rest of my orders tables are working fine, are populated. Here i'm gonna show you my orders tables: (clean fields).



-- Dumping data for table `orders`


-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_products`



CREATE TABLE `orders_products` (

`orders_products_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`products_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`products_model` varchar(12) default NULL,

`products_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',

`products_price` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',

`final_price` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',

`products_tax` decimal(7,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',

`products_quantity` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_products_id`)




-- Dumping data for table `orders_products`


-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_products_attributes`



CREATE TABLE `orders_products_attributes` (

`orders_products_attributes_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`orders_products_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`products_options` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

`products_options_values` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

`options_values_price` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',

`price_prefix` char(1) NOT NULL default '',

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_products_attributes_id`)




-- Dumping data for table `orders_products_attributes`


-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_products_download`



CREATE TABLE `orders_products_download` (

`orders_products_download_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`orders_products_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`orders_products_filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

`download_maxdays` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',

`download_count` int(2) NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_products_download_id`)




-- Dumping data for table `orders_products_download`


-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_status`



CREATE TABLE `orders_status` (

`orders_status_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`language_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',

`orders_status_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_status_id`,`language_id`),

KEY `idx_orders_status_name` (`orders_status_name`)




-- Dumping data for table `orders_status`



INSERT INTO `orders_status` VALUES (1, 1, 'Pending');

INSERT INTO `orders_status` VALUES (2, 1, 'Processing');

INSERT INTO `orders_status` VALUES (3, 1, 'Delivered');


-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_status_history`



CREATE TABLE `orders_status_history` (

`orders_status_history_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

`orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`orders_status_id` int(5) NOT NULL default '0',

`date_added` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

`customer_notified` int(1) default '0',

`comments` text,

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_status_history_id`)




-- Dumping data for table `orders_status_history`


-- --------------------------------------------------------



-- Table structure for table `orders_total`



CREATE TABLE `orders_total` (

`orders_total_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

`orders_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

`text` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',

`value` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL default '0.0000',

`class` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',

`sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',

PRIMARY KEY (`orders_total_id`),

KEY `idx_orders_total_orders_id` (`orders_id`)



-- Dumping data for table `orders_total`



This is how my 4 fields look like. I'm guessing that my table looks just fine. Now i'm thinking i've got a problem with a file but i don't know witch one. Please i really need help with this one. I've already post messages in Chemo's Ultimate Seo Contrib Url's, but they don't know the problem and sent me here.


Thanks in advance, Cezar.

Maybe ask in the thrread for Ultimate Seo Url

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  • 1 month later...

Hello there.


We have the same problems with any payment method, if user leaves the store for payment (many hundrets a week).


By now, I write every order on checkout_confirmation and merge them with an sheduled job.


Problem is that if a user will cancel his order on checkout_conformation, the order will also be written to db and merged by sheduled job...


Now, I seek for an solution to call a php-page if user clicks on the button to proceed to checkout_process or payment outside the store to write the order and after writing oder to db, redirect the user to checkout_process or payment outside the store. Then, I wouldn't need to write the order on checkout_process.


Ajax should be a solution to write the order on onSubmit()-event on checkout_confirmation page.


Someone got a better idea?!


Thank you

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