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You'll find your answer in the User Guide that comes with CCGV(trad)





Thanks. But I did not find the answer in the User guide. Could you point it out? Also, the user guide notes that I must install the module via Modules>Order_Total . . . But the module does not appear as stated.


Thanks for your quick reply



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With the later versions of CCGV(trad) there's no need to install Gift Voucher or Discount Coupons under Modules --> Order Total because it is installed automatically when you run the sql file.


In the Install file the part that deals with running the sql file into the database can be seen in this entry:


2. Run the ccgv.sql file into your database via phpMyAdmin - this is not optional!



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Thanks Vger,


I've installed it via MyPHP and the messages say it all installed successfully. But, when i return to the store and attempt checkout, the Redeem coupon field is still not present. Anything else I can check?



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Anything else I can check?


That the coupon is valid for the date and the amount (? is there a minimum order value you've not met).


That you didn't select Free Shipping - which overrides the coupon amount (it's one or the other but not both).


That you used GIFT as the start of the model number when you add a Gift Voucher.


That you enabled downloads.


That you can see Gift Vouchers and Discount Coupons in the Order Totals module - because if you can't you still haven't installed it correctly.



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Hi, Thanks to all who are involved in providing support in this forum!


I am experiencing the problem where during checkout I have to go back a page then forward to the Order Confirmation page before a voucher credit appears


I have uncommented the code line in ot_coupon.php that was suggested as a solution but unfortunately the problem is still occurring.


Are there any other known fixes to this problem?


I have installed the latest version of CCGV (trad) and have the register_globals patches applied.



Susan :'(

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CCGV(trad) was based on an old version of the original CCGV, updated with various fixes. It is not Register Globals 'off' compatible (like most osCommerce contributions).


This is why I advise people not to apply the Register Globals patch if they want to install osCommerce contributions on their website but to use a variety of means to get their site to work with Register Globals reset to 'on' at a local (website) level.


If it were just a matter of changing Globals to Super Globals then it would be easy to make any contribution Register Globals 'off' compatible - but unfortunately it also affects the way that functions work which (with a contribution of this size) makes it a daunting task to rewrite.


I cannot offer support for people with issues arising from using this contribution with Register Globals 'off' in php.ini



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After installing all components as stated in the install.html provided, when I enter the admin>modules>order_total>....Discount Coupon or Gift Voucher does not appear. I am unable to enable the modules as instructed. I am able to view the admin portion under Configurations>Vouchers/Coupons.


Where did I go wrong?



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Where did I go wrong?


In the Install file the part that deals with running the sql file into the database can be seen in this entry:


2. Run the ccgv.sql file into your database via phpMyAdmin - this is not optional!


If you did run the file then look in your database via phpMyAdmin to confirm that the entries actually did go in.



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New Gift Vouchers will be queued IF you install CCGV(trad) correctly. With a contribution the size of CCGV(trad) I am not able to guess what you did wrong during the install. I'm afraid you'll have to find that out for yourself.



That's true but if a solution can be found, I'd love to implement it!
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Here's the problem I'm having.


When a buyer applies a voucher balance to a purchase that does not cover the total and a credit card is used to pay the difference, all looks just as it should. The email notification looks right and the system records the payment correctly. The big problem is that the credit card is actually charged for the full amount, without the voucher discount.




Sub-Total: $1,000.00

Gift Vouchers (-) : $908.83

Total: $91.17



In this example the credit card is charged the sub-total amount of $1,000.


This does not happen when the balance is paid with paypal. Only credit card (authorize.net).

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You certainly caught me on the right day!!! Because I just had to resolve this for a customer website.


Assuming you are referring to the osCommerce Pay Pal IPN, CCGV(trad) and Authorize Net AIM - and trying to get them to play nicely together - this is the fix:


in checkout_process.php move these three lines to above the before_process so that it looks like this:


require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order_total.php');
 $order_total_modules = new order_total;

 $order_totals = $order_total_modules->process();

// load the before_process function from the payment modules


That solves the Authorize Net problem, but creates one with Pay Pal. To fix that you do this in includes/modules/payment/paypal_ipn.php


In the before_process function, around line 483 in my file, add these entries after $order,

 $order_totals, $order_total_modules,


and then comment out or remove these lines (as shown), just a few lines below the above:


//include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'order_total.php');
  //$order_total_modules = new order_total;

  //$order_totals = $order_total_modules->process();


Voila! They all play nicely together.



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Hi Rhea,


Thanks for shedding a lot of light on the issue of CCGV and Register Globals off together!


Unfortunately my web host has turned off Register Globals (without warning :( ) so I had to apply the Register Globals patches for my site to continue working. It seems this is a fairly common scenario.


This contribution would be extremely useful to me for helping to track my advertising by the use of discount coupons, plus the ability to offer gift vouchers.


However as having Register Globals turned on is said to be an open security hole, I am left with a decision to make; am I better off finding another host and using the very useful CCGV or abiding to the better security?


Thanks again for your support - it's much appreciated even if the news isn't good.





CCGV(trad) was based on an old version of the original CCGV, updated with various fixes. It is not Register Globals 'off' compatible (like most osCommerce contributions).


This is why I advise people not to apply the Register Globals patch if they want to install osCommerce contributions on their website but to use a variety of means to get their site to work with Register Globals reset to 'on' at a local (website) level.


If it were just a matter of changing Globals to Super Globals then it would be easy to make any contribution Register Globals 'off' compatible - but unfortunately it also affects the way that functions work which (with a contribution of this size) makes it a daunting task to rewrite.


I cannot offer support for people with issues arising from using this contribution with Register Globals 'off' in php.ini



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New Gift Vouchers will be queued IF you install CCGV(trad) correctly. With a contribution the size of CCGV(trad) I am not able to guess what you did wrong during the install. I'm afraid you'll have to find that out for yourself.




I've already gone through every single file to check. The only difference that I could see was the global patch that I have in, I believe, 2 of my files. What I can do is change that to match the ccgv(trad) file if you think that might be the culprit. I've read through the forum about the global patch and I thought it was ok to be in. Maybe I missed that?


Considering I have virtually no understanding of this coding (but I am learning some things!), I do ok. The help on these forums, though, is really invaluable and you guys deserve all our heartfelt thanks.



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However as having Register Globals turned on is said to be an open security hole, I am left with a decision to make; am I better off finding another host and using the very useful CCGV or abiding to the better security?


Unless you go for a dedicated server (and pay lots more money) where you can change the settings yourself for Register Globals, 99% of hosts nowerdays are putting new users on servers which have Globals Off anyway becuase they are trying to change all there servers that way but cant just simply switch it off over night due to the amount of problems other users may have.


If i were you, i would apply the globals patch to your OSC and figure out a way to get this package working on there..

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The only difference that I could see was the global patch that I have in, I believe, 2 of my files


Answered here:


CCGV(trad) was based on an old version of the original CCGV, updated with various fixes. It is not Register Globals 'off' compatible (like most osCommerce contributions).


This is why I advise people not to apply the Register Globals patch if they want to install osCommerce contributions on their website but to use a variety of means to get their site to work with Register Globals reset to 'on' at a local (website) level.


If it were just a matter of changing Globals to Super Globals then it would be easy to make any contribution Register Globals 'off' compatible - but unfortunately it also affects the way that functions work which (with a contribution of this size) makes it a daunting task to rewrite.


I cannot offer support for people with issues arising from using this contribution with Register Globals 'off' in php.ini


The Globals Patch affects dozens of files, so having them in two files is a total waste of time.



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Hi All,


I got this installed and working great and I have just one question.


The owners decided to give educators $25.00 off one of our DVDs and -$3.00 off the shipping and handling fee we charge and I could not find a way to do both, so I suggested that we change the 'customer description" to say ...


Teachers get a $25.00 discount on the Power of Choice and $3.00 off the Shipping/Handling charge.


but when I go to checkout and I enter the code in, there is no "customer description" of the coupon, it just puts it in with the charges (right before the final price) and there is just a simple description to the left of the ($28.00) discount saying

Discount Coupons:TEACHER: -$28.00


Am I missing something in the install are setup?


Thanks in advance,


Don :blink:

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Thanks Vger, I wasn't sure if I missed something during setup.


Unfortunately for us, I did not have this mod working before the notification went out, and I was looking for a possible fix to show the customers that we 'reduced' the shipping and handling" by $3.00.


No big deal.


Although, how difficult would it be to change the code to display the "Coupon Name" instead of the "Coupon Code" during checkout?




Edited by Dmacman
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Has anyone here got CCGV going with Register Globals ON?




Unless you go for a dedicated server (and pay lots more money) where you can change the settings yourself for Register Globals, 99% of hosts nowerdays are putting new users on servers which have Globals Off anyway becuase they are trying to change all there servers that way but cant just simply switch it off over night due to the amount of problems other users may have.


If i were you, i would apply the globals patch to your OSC and figure out a way to get this package working on there..

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