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I don't know that particular shipping module so I cannot advise you about how it works.


People send vouchers to friends via their My Account page (if you also installed the add-on for that), or via their Shopping Cart when they are logged in.


If the voucher is not appearing in the queue then the usual reason is that the voucher has not been given a model number beginning with GIFT, or else you have not set Enable Downloads to 'true' in osC admin.



Edited by Vger
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Hi, Ok, thanks, I'll look for the add-on for the my account page. As for the shopping cart, I didn't find any send vouchers. When I click on checkout, I'm directed to the delivery info, then the payment info with a redeem gift or coupons voucher then the confirmation page and finish page... nothing about sending coupons to friends...


As for the vouchers in queue, I didn't find where I can put the model number either or the enable downloads... In the admin section under Vouchers/Coupons I have:

- Coupon Admin

- Gift Voucher Queue

- Mail Gift Voucher

- Gift Vouchers sent


In the coupon admin, I created a coupon with name GIFT_1, but nothing happened... am I missing something?

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When you add a Gift Voucher as a product to the Catalog section of osC admin there is an entry for Model Number, and it's here that you put GIFT_10, GIFT_25 etc.


If you haven't done that then the Gift Voucher is treated just like any other product - shipping is added, it doesn't appear in the queue, and it won't appear in the Shopping Cart either.


All of this information is in the User Guide that comes with the install.



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I hve CCGV(trad) installed. I have my model numbers set as GIFT_25, etc. I did a test purchase and I did not get any notification in the Vouchers/Coupons section in any of the options. I went through my whole install files in File Merge and everything is installed correctly. The only difference is in application_top where I have the Global Patch. I have Global turned on.


Any ideas?



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during checkout the display box, "Credits Available" where the customer can enter a coupon code and redeem the valvue. In addition, there is a check box for using the available account balance. The problem is the redeem button for the coupon code is directly below the check box for using the account balance. My customers, check the box and then click the redeem button. This is pretty common but as we know is incorrect. So my hope is that my customers are not the only one misunderstanding what to do and that someone has restructured this display to be more intuitive. If not, perhaps someone can help me with the code. I've tried and I'm having fundamental problems understanding how it's put together and what to do to successfully come up with a more intuitive display of the options.



You can do what Vger says, or to be honest, it wouldn't take a basic coder more than 15-20 minutes to re-align the coupons box with the GV checkbox moved as to not confuse it with the coupons code text field.

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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I hve CCGV(trad) installed. I have my model numbers set as GIFT_25, etc. I did a test purchase and I did not get any notification in the Vouchers/Coupons section in any of the options. I went through my whole install files in File Merge and everything is installed correctly. The only difference is in application_top where I have the Global Patch. I have Global turned on.


Any ideas?



There is no notification in any of the options except gift voucher queue. I take it your gv queue doesn't show the gift voucher waiting to be released? Are your downloads set to true?

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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I seem to be getting some sort of rounding error on tax when using coupon codes, anyone able to point me in the right direction ?


An example of the problem is


Sub-Total: £2,068.90

Flat Rate (Best Way): £4.95

Discount Coupons:01745e: -£311.08

EU VAT rate at 17.5%: £308.87

Total: £1,762.77


If my calculator is working, 17.5% of £1,762.77 is £308.48


I'm using the default sort order in the order totals module and tax recalcultion required.




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The reason why I'd recommend removing the Submit button, and why I am going to do it for the next update is as follows:


1. The 'Redeem' function is contained within a form used by the Payment modules and it's not possible to extract it from that.

2. If someone hits 'Redeem' while on that page without selecting a payment method they'll get a payment method error. This will be on the page for the majority of sites, but for a significant minority it will be added to the URL (due to server setup). For these people they won't even know what's gone wrong, while the others will get the error plastered over the page.

3. There's no need for the 'Redeem' button. Once they click the Continue button, the Redeem function is executed anyway.


It's one of those left-overs from the original CCGV which we are better off without.





You can do what Vger says, or to be honest, it wouldn't take a basic coder more than 15-20 minutes to re-align the coupons box with the GV checkbox moved as to not confuse it with the coupons code text field.
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Hi Thanks! Found it at last! I'm now able to buy gift vouchers, and confirm it via the gift voucher queue. Only problem is when I login to my account to send the voucher to friends, I can't click on the shopping cart coz it's empty! So I buy a product but when I arrive at the payment option, there's only a "Tick to use Gift Voucher account" in the page but no send gift voucher.


Where can I download the add-on for the my account?



When you add a Gift Voucher as a product to the Catalog section of osC admin there is an entry for Model Number, and it's here that you put GIFT_10, GIFT_25 etc.


If you haven't done that then the Gift Voucher is treated just like any other product - shipping is added, it doesn't appear in the queue, and it won't appear in the Shopping Cart either.


All of this information is in the User Guide that comes with the install.



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Thanks Rhea,


Turning on/off re-calculate tax makes a big difference to the total but nothing in the order total options seems to get me to the right VAT amount or within 1p.


I display prices including tax, does this cause a problem with this contribution ?







I seem to be getting some sort of rounding error on tax when using coupon codes, anyone able to point me in the right direction ?


An example of the problem is


Sub-Total: £2,068.90

Flat Rate (Best Way): £4.95

Discount Coupons:01745e: -£311.08

EU VAT rate at 17.5%: £308.87

Total: £1,762.77


If my calculator is working, 17.5% of £1,762.77 is £308.48


I'm using the default sort order in the order totals module and tax recalcultion required.




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Hi, The 'My Account' add-on is at the bottom of the Install Guide, and the files which need to be edited are included in CCGV(trad).


If you are not seeing the voucher balance in your Shopping Cart when logged in then CCGV(trad) is not installed correctly.



Hi Thanks! Found it at last! I'm now able to buy gift vouchers, and confirm it via the gift voucher queue. Only problem is when I login to my account to send the voucher to friends, I can't click on the shopping cart coz it's empty! So I buy a product but when I arrive at the payment option, there's only a "Tick to use Gift Voucher account" in the page but no send gift voucher.


Where can I download the add-on for the my account?

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Make sure that you are using the default Sort Order for Order Totals installed by CCGV(trad) - read the User Guide to find that out. These problems only normally occur when people have been playing about with the Sort Order.



Thanks Rhea,


Turning on/off re-calculate tax makes a big difference to the total but nothing in the order total options seems to get me to the right VAT amount or within 1p.


I display prices including tax, does this cause a problem with this contribution ?




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Thanks for your time on this, I do have the default sort order for no tax recalculation required.


Is there any other area you can suggest I look ?






Make sure that you are using the default Sort Order for Order Totals installed by CCGV(trad) - read the User Guide to find that out. These problems only normally occur when people have been playing about with the Sort Order.



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Don't know if this gives a clue to the problem but where I'm currently at is.


Changing the percentage discount does not change the VAT amount given, ie if the VAT amount is £38.86 at 10% discount, it is also £38.86 at 50% discount.

The VAT figure I'm getting is always 14.89X % of the original total

14.89% is 17.5% divided by 117.5%


If no coupon code is used, VAT is correct at 17.5%






Make sure that you are using the default Sort Order for Order Totals installed by CCGV(trad) - read the User Guide to find that out. These problems only normally occur when people have been playing about with the Sort Order.



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The Sort Order should be:


1. Sub Total

2. Shipping

3. Tax

4. Total

9. Discount Coupons

740. Gift Vouchers


But 9 and 740 can be any numbers as long as they come after Total, and Discount Coupons come before Gift Vouchers.


If you are using Low Order Fee you must disable it - it's not accounted for in CCGV(trad) at all.



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I am throwing myself at your mercy Vger!


I have been "attempting to install CCGV for 4 days now and found your post last nite. I tried to add my mods to you install and managed to get the coupon code window to appear once, but it would not take the discount off.


So I decided to remove the 'other' coupon code mods and just use yours. Now I do not get a field to enter the coupon code during checkout.


So I decided to replace all of my files with yours right from the zip file I downloaded. I go into my admin and the Discount Coupon is there under Couchers/Coupons, it is set to run from today until 2008. And under modules->Order Totals->Discount Coupons, it is installed and appears valid, yet when I go t ocheckout i still do not get a place to enter the code?


Here is the test site I setup. Our real site is on the same ISP with a different account. so I don't break the real one. :)


I would REALLY appreciate any help. The real site. is here and we are running a national broadcast dedicated to the late Milton Friedman on Monday at 9pm pn PBS and I cannot afford to take the 'real site" down.


Thanks a ton!



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I got this working, but we only wish to offer coupons for now, and I need to disable the Gift Vouchers for now.


Is there an easy way?


Thanks in advance,


I commented out the CCGV on the account page, is that the only place I need to disable the gift vouchers?


Thanks again,


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Hello there,


I just recently installed CCGV, installed pages and edits as instructed. But, when I go throught the process of checking out, the box to redeem and input a coupon number does not appear in the checkout payment page.

A little help would be appreciated.

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