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The e-commerce.

Strange problem with language Box


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I have a strange problem with the language box in my right column.php.


Whatever language is chosen (i have two, english and german), i click on a link below the language box and the link lead's to the english version of that link.


The problem does not appear on any links above the language box.


I re-located the language box to the left column, then the entire site was effected by this problem.


So it looks like all links below and right of the language box are effected.


Here is a link to my website: My Webpage


Anybody any ideas?





I am also a beginner but I will try to help you anyway to understand + put you in the right direction

Here goes:


First look in /includes/boxes and find the box concerned, I dont use this bo, maybe its best_sellers.php ...?

you can allways get the name from /include/column_right.php


Open this file and look at the top you should see somewhere BOX_HEADING_NOTIFICATIONS

now go to your language files in /include/languages/

open german.php and english.php

and find this same text (BOX_HEADING_NOTIFICATIONS) here you will find the problem and be able to modify the text.


If this is not it then its getting fed from an other german file so you have to find it, maybe its fetching something from the catalog which is not translated into english...


have fun


NB; Do you have the oscommerce documentation pdf file that comes with the 2.2M download


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