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The e-commerce.

Removing powered by osCommerce link?


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You are suposed to leave the Powered by osCommerce link if you have not changed the look of your store so it no longer appears like stock osCommerce.


If you have changed it, you can go to your /includes/languages/english.php or whichever language you are using. It is at the bottom.


Or you can remove it in your includes/footer.php file.


If you are talking about the banner image, you shut that off in your admin area under tools then banner manager.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.


well look at my site, can i remove the link? it looks nothing like the stock oscommerce site.




which exact bit of code do i remove

well look at my site, can i remove the link? it looks nothing like the stock oscommerce site.




which exact bit of code do i remove

Looks a whole lot like a stock osC site ta me.

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)


Your site look like an oscommerce site. I would leave it in place, before someone gets the hump.


Just out of curiosity, what have you got against having the small bit of text that says powered by oscommerce



none except i dont want our competitors using the same software once they know how good its working, looked at many of our competitors sites and they dont functiona as well as osCommerce.


this looks nothing like stock osCommerce tho, am i able to remove it?


Your site is still indeed a stock OSC site. Keep in mind that it's disrespectful to ask how to violate the OSC rule on the OSC forums. OSC is the most popular FREE ecommerce software around, if your competitors like your site and want to use it too they won't need the "powered by oscommerce" link to find it.

none except i dont want our competitors using the same software once they know how good its working, looked at many of our competitors sites and they dont functiona as well as osCommerce.


this looks nothing like stock osCommerce tho, am i able to remove it?




I've looked at it and I could tell it was osCommerce immediately. I looks a lot like stock.


When they say changing it from stock, they do not mean changing the colors, logos, text and adding products.


Change the layout dreamtically, the feel of the website, appearance of the pages themselves to the point where someone would need to look at the code of the pages to know for sure without a doubt.



Secondly - I absolutely 100% undertand your concern of the comptition using it to. You put hard work into research And if they get it, and change the products, color and text and logo it will essentially look identical to yours.


If you change the site enough you competitors will wither not know that it is oscommerce and will not realise how easy it is to customize - If you make it look involved or difficult, they will think it is too tenchinal


Here is an example: I went to the Live Shops in osCommerce and picked the first one in the list (when I was there anyway) and it looks nothing like an oscommerce site.


Go here




And look at the page from Ocean Trax - unless you look at the code.. you don't know it's oscommerce

My Contributions


Henry Smith


your site is exactly the same as any other stock os site mate.



is one of the best examples if not THE best example of how a company have changed almost every single bit of the stock os layout and code to match thier companies needs.


points noted, thanks for the input, ive been on the potn.com site before, knew it was osCommerce straight away,


the ocean link before is a good example.


ill leave it there then, just a couple of competitors ive noticed were using Actinic which i know doesnt operate as good as ours will, eventually!


thanks all

points noted, thanks for the input, ive been on the potn.com site before, knew it was osCommerce straight away,


the ocean link before is a good example.


ill leave it there then, just a couple of competitors ive noticed were using Actinic which i know doesnt operate as good as ours will, eventually!


thanks all


I'm not entirely sure of this, but I beleive you can also remove it if you reprogram umm atleast 80% of the oscommerce to cusotmized code. (I think I remember reading that somewhere) If I am incorrect someone please correct me.

My Contributions


Henry Smith


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