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How to add image code to box contents?


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First question:

I can't insert any images to my box contents, I don't know the right code for this and where to add it. I tried adding the following code to my secure site box in catalog/includes/boxes/securesite.php but nothing happens. I also entered it in catalog/includes/languages/english.php with "define" before it but still nothing happened therefore I removed it from english.php.

I think I'm not typing the code in its correct form, I'd appreciate any help.


my store



"<!-- webbot bot='HTMLMarkup' startspan -->

<!-- GeoTrust QuickSSL [tm] Smart Icon tag. Do not edit. -->
<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript' TYPE='text/javascript' SRC='//smarticon.geotrust.com/si.js'></SCRIPT>
<!-- end GeoTrust Smart Icon tag -->

<!-- webbot bot='HTMLMarkup' endspan -->"


Another question:

how does one enter site based images?

<IMG SRC="">

~ Don't mistake my kindness for weakness ~


for the first you're missing the http: infront of the script's url


and for the second you use the tep_image function.


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