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Payment options gone when out of state


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I have my store working fine - but only for customers from California.

If a customer enters a state other than California, the checkout_shipping and checkout_payment don't show the entry for payment or shipping, just a button.


The store zone is California

- There is a "California" Tax Zone

- There is a California tax rate.


I installed "Fast East Checkout" contrib but I think the problem occurred before that.


Try it for yourself: http://foryourdogsonly.com/store

Order any product, fill out shipping info... use a state besides california and it won't let you enter payment.


Please help!


Thank you!


Daniel Peterson

Artesian Desing Group


please don't double-post. (answered in the other thread).

please don't double-post. (answered in the other thread).


Sorry... new to the forums and I thought I had posted in the fast easy checkout thread... but saw I didn't so I went and posted in there.



Is there a way to move a post to a specific thread?


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