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The e-commerce.

Downloadable Products Link Missing


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I have a store which sells ebooks - all products in the store are for download only.


I have the config set up as follows:


Enable Download = True

Download by Redirect = True

Expiry (days) = 4

Maximum Downloads = 2


All products have the download attribute set something like this


Product Name Format Download: ZIP 0.0000


and are linked to the product's file in the download directory.


Upon Checkout and Confirmation of Payment (I am using PayPal only for payment) no download link appears... can anyone help me figure out why? PLEASE :)


Thank you in advanced for your assistance.

I have a store which sells ebooks - all products in the store are for download only.


I have the config set up as follows:


Enable Download = True

Download by Redirect = True

Expiry (days) = 4

Maximum Downloads = 2


All products have the download attribute set something like this


Product Name Format Download: ZIP 0.0000


and are linked to the product's file in the download directory.


Upon Checkout and Confirmation of Payment (I am using PayPal only for payment) no download link appears... can anyone help me figure out why? PLEASE :)


Thank you in advanced for your assistance.





After looking at this forum for a month, then spending a week banging my head against the keyboard I have come to one conclusion.


It is not possible to have paypal payment and downloads! It is just not going to happen.


I've tried every contribution there is, and none of them can do downloads, even when the say they can.


So here is a challenge, somebody point me to an oscommerce store where I can pay by paypal and download a digital product.


I don't care what it is, or what it costs, I just want to see a store with download that works.


I've got a list of people who say so and so contribution works for them. But so far none have said it works with paypal and downloads.


So go on, give me your web site, if I can pay for it with paypal and instantly downoad it, I will buy it.


But please note, if your site works I will email you for help, right after I have installed the contribution you are using.


OK, now I have got that off my chest let me say that all the contributions I have tried have worked. Some were easier to install than others, but all worked and I am not trying to do down anyone. It's just that none of them can do downloads.


you may have to check your settings configuration settings and products attributes because the download works regardless of payment gateway.


Most of the download contributions simply enhance the download functionality the osc has. And I do not see why the paypal with download will not work. There is nothing special in the paypal module to eliminate downloads.


One case perhaps you will see problems and that is not specific to paypal is if the customer never returns to the store after the payment so the order is not recorded.

you may have to check your settings configuration settings and products attributes because the download works regardless of payment gateway.


Most of the download contributions simply enhance the download functionality the osc has. And I do not see why the paypal with download will not work. There is nothing special in the paypal module to eliminate downloads.


One case perhaps you will see problems and that is not specific to paypal is if the customer never returns to the store after the payment so the order is not recorded.




I have checked all my setting and they appear to be correct.


Download doesn't work with cash on delivery either.


The customer does return to the store, to the checkout_success.php page but it does not gove a download link, just says your item will be delivered within 2-5 days.



This morning I did some more digging and found


There are 3 files called download.php, in these locations.


1. \catalog

2. \catalog\includes\modules

3. \catalog\includes\languages\english


1 is version 1.9

2 is version 1.3

3 is empty, it only contains the "Copyright © 2003 osCommerce" info, no code at all.


There are no files called downloads.php anywhere (note the s). However, several files have lines in like the one below.



<?php if (DOWNLOAD_ENABLED == 'true') include(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'downloads.php'); ?>


checkout_success.php and account_history_info.php were two of the files but there may have been more.



So I changed all "downloads.php" to "download.php" and copied download.php version 1.9 (1 above) into locations 2 & 3


And it still doesn't work, the customer gets back to the Checkout_success.php page but no download link.


Everything else works fine, paypal accounts are updated, emails are sent etc. but no download link.


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