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The e-commerce.

site review please


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This is a live site has been for a while but only really started playing with oscommerce recently.


Contributions Installed :


Featured Products 1.5.4

Clear Stats (Admin)

Categories Enhanced

Loginbox 2.2a

Meta Tag Controller 1.1

Quantity Price Breaks Per Product

Royal Mail Postal Prices

Sort Product Attributes

Star Product 1.5

Supertracker 3.2

Who's Online Enhancement 1.6

Short Description in Product Listing 2.1

Fixed Width

Generic Buttons (My Own)

Changed most stock graphics

Display IP address in footer


Also SSL


Plus others I have forgotton about.


Tried PWA, didnt like it, instead I have gone with cutting out 'login.php' and 'create_account_success.php' from the checkout procedure. Also tried the mod where shipping and payment options were on the same page and again I didnt like the look. Infact I tried many mods and then binned them afterwards.


Things I intend to do :


Get more away from the stock OSC look finding it difficult as i know no php.

Create new header logo current one a bit plain

Get a merchant account to take card payments directly

Improve some of the images recently I been doing a better job but some of the old stuff needs new images really


Also considering getting a 0845 local rate number, also can anyone recommend a simple livehelp contrib that indicates online/offline status? I tried a few and they either didnt advise status or were 'too much'


Further Contributions I intend to install :


SEO Friendly URLs

Image thumbnailer


If anyone can point me in the right direction with these :


I want to change the look of the product info page, i want a different layout. I have no idea how to.


I want to make only the price text size larger on the product listing page so it stands out more


I want to incorporate the introduction text on the front page into a box, i tried news contribs but they were just too much for this simple (to some) task


My read review button returns a blank page ??????


I know the PO Box isnt good but thats how it is for now.


Thanks in advance for your constructive criticism and advice!




I think you have a really good clean and professional looking site. I'm no expert, as I'm still struggling with my own store, but I'd look at the following things;


Possibly remove the category counts, as people may not even bother looking if there are only a few items there.


If possible add a "Buy" button to the product table. It has been shown that customers are lazy, and will begrudge clicking more times to purchase a product. Why not make it easy for them!


You have changed the stock clip-art icons for the category headings, which is always a good idea! Although they look good, I'm not sure they quite fit in with your sleek looking site.


You have an SSL which is excellent, however your site isn't directed through the https:..., so you can't take advantage of it. Maybe set an auto-redirect up to do this for you.


Some of your "Click to Enlarge" pictures are the same size as the normal images anyway. I know you said you are looking at updating the images, but perhaps you could remove this function until they have all been updated. (just temporarily blank out the text in catalog/includes/languages/english/product_info.php)


On the plus.....


What's wrong with the PO BOX? - I think it sounds professional, and it looks like you are an established enough business to warrant using one. Also, most large organisations use them for their contact addresses.


The read review button was working when I tried it.


Overall, a really good looking site. If you make the changes you plan to, as well then I think it will be excellent. (sorry - I can't provide any info on where to look for these, as I'm looking for them myself!!)


Good luck with your site!


xGemx ;)


thanks for your comments 'glwhatrup' ..... more welcome from anyone else


In response ...


I kinda like the category counts, does it really make a difference whether they are there or not? (took them off atm)


Only took the buy it now button off yesterday, put it back on for now, I just realized that if a product has attributes available it doesnt add the item to cart it takes them through the the product info page to select the options which is good.


SSL is enabled as soon as you go to checkout or create an account, is there any benefit of having the whole site SSL enabled?


Fixed the review button yesterday (page was 0 bytes lol uploaded fresh one from backup) also added reviews to product info page.


I believe people prefer a real address than a PO (although you can simply request the real address from royal mail by making a phone call). Generally PO box's have a stigma about them as some people use them when ripping people off ... however if I add the 0845 phone number then it should re-affirm the customer about it being a genuine business


I agree nice clean look to the site.


Why have the "your Ip has been logged for security reasons" in the bottom bar. Seems a bit big brother to me.

Backup before making changes. Backup before making changes! Backup before making changes!!


You did do a backup? eh?


Actually people seem to be going off 0845 numbers a bit. This from several customers also from the TV program 'The Dragons' Den'. You might find that many people prefer an old-fashioned geographic number these days. It is cheaper for many people to make a long distance call than it is to call to one of these so-called local rate numbers. I'd be interested to know what other think.


The site seems very straightforward to use and looks professional.


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