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The e-commerce.

fatal error again


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hi guys


i have this fatal error , i know it has been disussed over and over again but i have tried to find specific probem in forums and have been unsuccesful. can you help me or guide me where i can find more help about this, thanks


the error appears when i go to catalog page (btw admin page seems to be working fine)



Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_db_connect() in /home/nihal01/domains/axiz.co.uk/public_html/catalog/includes/application_top.php on line 66




please help




This happens when you upload a code file over top of one of your language files in includes/languages/english.php. Check








and see if they are the same. If so, then restore the language file from a backup or from a fresh OSCommerce install download.



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This happens when you upload a code file over top of one of your language files in includes/languages/english.php. Check








and see if they are the same. If so, then restore the language file from a backup or from a fresh OSCommerce install download.


both files are different.

the history is that the first time i installed oscommerce it came with error about global registers. as i was using external servers, i downloaded a ptach from this site and i thought i had solved the problem. but now after the patch i am stuk with this error


any other suggestion please help

both files are different.

the history is that the first time i installed oscommerce it came with error about global registers. as i was using external servers, i downloaded a ptach from this site and i thought i had solved the problem. but now after the patch i am stuk with this error


any other suggestion please help

ok here is the latest


the aplication_top.php from patch causes the fatal error , application_top.php from original source gives the global registers error

the aplication_top.php from patch causes the fatal error , application_top.php from original source gives the global registers error


When you switch application_top.php, do you switch ANY other files?



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Try using the original and include your own php.ini file in the root.


i have got no idea about how to setup my own php.ini but i did try the .htaccess and that did not work for me


If you have WAMP or XAMPP on your PC, you will have a php.ini file. If that is the case, do a search for it and open it in your text editor. Scroll down to where it says

register_globals = Off and change it to register_globals = On.


Then upload it to your document root.


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