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Backups - am I getting *everything* ?


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Newbie question time...


I know about the "Backup" setting for backing up the SQL database, but I'm suspicious. Does this backup everything for my site? I have this nagging feeling that I need to manually FTP everything in addition to this backup to get everything.


If that's the case, any recommendations on how to do this painlessly?




It basically does what it says on the tin: it backs up your mySQl db. All your HTML, PHP etc. code, so all the files on your webserver, you will have to backup yourself, which you can do manually by FTP indeed.


EDIT: Yes, I always have a full copy of my store locally. I develop in >>Adobe<< Dreamweaver, test locally, and use its synchronizing facility for upload/download/backup. It works for me, there might be other automated solutions out there. I use SmartFTP (free for personal use) for "Mass Transfer"


PS: A warm welcome and congratulations on your first post! :thumbsup:


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