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The e-commerce.

Declined Orders crash our system


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Hi all. I need some help with a Declined Order problem.


If an order is declined by Authorize.net, osCommerce still inserts a record into the orders table, but no other details are recorded.


Currently our main, in-store database "polls" the osC database on a regular basis to retrieve orders. When our main database encounters an order with a record only in the Orders table, the polling process crashes and has to be restarted. Our polling process expects each order to have at least 3 records:


1 record in orders

1 record in orders_products

1 record in orders_total


If an order gets declined by Authorize, only 1 record is created in the orders table. Since the other 2 records don't exist, the polling crashes.


So, is there a way to make osC NOT insert a record in the orders table if the order is declined?


I realize that we could rewrite our polling script, but I'd rather not do that if possible.


I'd appreciate any feedback regarding stopping osC from creating a record in the orders table when an order is declined.


Thanks in advance for any help.




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