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In essance what you are buying with any SSL is custmer Trust,


So as long as you have a Known provider ( which Geo Trust are ) then any of the Three will do but you dont need the most expensive one its more for Hosts ( i belive)


The $198.00 one has a dynimic Time stamp on the SSL Image you get so this will instill extra custmer confdence since in theroy it cant be forged it also has 2x the Bit securaty that the cheeper one again this is more about showing your custmers that you care about their securty since information transfered between the client and you is encripted and the higher the Bit eg 256 bit SSL is better than a 128 Bit SSL but most persons will not even think any further than is their one does your site show a padlock or can they see Https://


so is short the cheepest will more than do if you want to look a bit more up market then go for the middle one


I hope that helps


just a thought i am not sure if the cheep one is Geotrust it may be a self cert from the host i would check if its a known brand


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