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Payment Gateway Question - - Urgent!!!


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I'm doing a french merchant website for a very important client, so I can't mess this up. I need a tool that can give me secure payment features like OScommerce that won't force me to leave the website if I want to use paypal. Right now I've been toying w/ the idea of using zencart, but it doesn't work w/ paypal pro.


so here are my specific questions:

1) Does OSCommerce support paypal pro?

2) If yes, does it provide secured payments or do I have to handle all security for payments made myself?

3) Can anyone suggest a payment gateway (international, handles euros - a must!) other than paypal that provides secured payments via MY website?


Thanks much for your responses, my time is limited!



I'm doing a french merchant website for a very important client, so I can't mess this up. I need a tool that can give me secure payment features like OScommerce that won't force me to leave the website if I want to use paypal. Right now I've been toying w/ the idea of using zencart, but it doesn't work w/ paypal pro.


so here are my specific questions:

1) Does OSCommerce support paypal pro?

2) If yes, does it provide secured payments or do I have to handle all security for payments made myself?

3) Can anyone suggest a payment gateway (international, handles euros - a must!) other than paypal that provides secured payments via MY website?


Thanks much for your responses, my time is limited!





Oscommerce supports WPP.

But WPP is only for US merchants and can only be used with currency as USD


Satish Mantri

Ask/Skype for Free osCommerce value addon/SEO suggestion tips for your site.


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I'm doing a french merchant website for a very important client, so I can't mess this up. I need a tool that can give me secure payment features like OScommerce that won't force me to leave the website if I want to use paypal. Right now I've been toying w/ the idea of using zencart, but it doesn't work w/ paypal pro.


so here are my specific questions:

1) Does OSCommerce support paypal pro?

2) If yes, does it provide secured payments or do I have to handle all security for payments made myself?

3) Can anyone suggest a payment gateway (international, handles euros - a must!) other than paypal that provides secured payments via MY website?


Thanks much for your responses, my time is limited!



someone hasn't checked around for their answer have they? :D


Check the Payment Modules here:



for a whole host of payment gateways which are supported

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