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Loved the header, hated the black background.


You are getting a security warning when i go to checkout that would scare most off, add the fast checkout contribution, lose the languages info box as you only offer english and also take off the requests since just shows you don't get many hits : ).


I would change the small icons as they dont go with the site.


Other than that its a good start, so good luck.


Kind regards


I love the header too.


Perhaps a navy blue or white background? As the theme is U.S.A. patriotism, you should stick with the flag's colours.


Keep up the good work!




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Your header is nice, but it's too wide. I have to max out the page to my 1024 width to see the stuff on the right, like the tail end of the word Patriot.


And, I think that you can over do the red, white and blue deal. An online company in our town sells flags - and tons of them - they are red white and blue, too, but they don't hit you over the head with it.


Your site is really slow - it seems like you have done the images correctly, but man, does it take a long time to load a page. I just switched from 1and1 (it felt like an online gaming site was running on my server and killing it) to sashbox.net (they specialize in osCommerce and are great and just a little bit more expensive) to get mine to speed up. (I wasn't selling anything before the switch and still am not, but it's now zippy). I think that your speed issue will chase people away.


You seem to be using different model numbers rather than using product attributes to display different sizes of the same flags. It seems like that adds a ton of images to the mix and makes finding stuff a lot harder because whatever someone is looking for is disguised by a zillion products that are really the same thing.


You have a products pull down info box that lists a limited set of the stuff that is in your categories listing. But, it doesn't work - it doesn't show any flags even though you have items in those categories.


Don't you think that you should have a phone number and an address? And an About Us? And shipping and payment information that is easy to find? Actually, I guess that you are working on this stuff.



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