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The e-commerce.

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I have had a very bad experience with oscommerce. I had to abandon ship at one time, but came back even without any experience in programming and coding I could not be 'beaten' by a software!


My shop is here: EROSHOP

But surffer the following:


1. Some of the pages in the information box go AWOL at any time they like and never come back!


2. I cannot find where to change the 'home' at the top left hand of the header to point to my mainpage. Click on it ponits to my hosts page if it can find it! It was easy to do before!


3. osCommerce has even refused to list my shop in the Live shops section! How many months or is it years between submitting a new shop and listing?


If by chance you have an answer to any of the above questions, I would be glad to know. Thanks.




What is your shop about? I had a quick look and don't really understand what you are selling?!




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Full-time I am a C-suite executive of a large retail company in Australia. In my spare time, I enjoying learning about web-design.

Download the latest version of CE Phoenix from gitHub here

What is your shop about? I had a quick look and don't really understand what you are selling?!




Hi Peter,

Thanks for taking a look. You said you "don't really understand" does it mean you did not 'see' any products or there is not sufficent information about the products or that magnotherapic products are new to you?


On the other hand are you just been diabolically sarcastic?




Can't access the site at all. It's 7:30am EST


I can see why osC has not listed you site, it is unclear what you are selling. you have the ssl on ever page and when i click on the home i get : Welcome to vDeck... your images are out of focus when i click on the germany icon i get this warning.


Warning: main(includes/languages/german/business_opportunity.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rss-blog/public_html/eroshop/catalog/business_opportunity.php on line 15


Warning: main(includes/languages/german/business_opportunity.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rss-blog/public_html/eroshop/catalog/business_opportunity.php on line 15


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'includes/languages/german/business_opportunity.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/rss-blog/public_html/eroshop/catalog/business_opportunity.php on line 15


if i click on a product i get this error


Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' in /home/rss-blog/public_html/eroshop/catalog/includes/boxes/our_sponsors_box.php on line 31


i have to scroll to the right to see the right hand side, i think the google ad looks to long, and the header looks cheap.


I'm sure i could stop a few other problems, but at the moment i think you have enough to get on with.


Apart from that well done..



Is this the BEST Oscommerce Shop EVER?, what do you think?


That was a joke ....right?



Hi Peter,

Thanks for taking a look. You said you "don't really understand" does it mean you did not 'see' any products or there is not sufficent information about the products or that magnotherapic products are new to you?


On the other hand are you just been diabolically sarcastic?






What I mean is, your store is called RSS Blogger. So automatically I think that your store sells blog or news rss related merchanise. However, the intro goes on about magnotherapy, the featured item is some sort of health drink, and then there is a picture of a horse. Customers don't waste time looking for things they need, so make it obvious what your store is actually selling.




Support the Project, go PRO and get access to certified add ons

Full-time I am a C-suite executive of a large retail company in Australia. In my spare time, I enjoying learning about web-design.

Download the latest version of CE Phoenix from gitHub here


You need to do something with your images. Why can i enlarge them to seem them smaller than before?

HIM - Dark Light - Out on 26/09/05
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey thanks all for all the comments.


But behind the eye catching headline was a serious request for help! But with possible exception of rommany no one offered a solution! Oh, how people love to criticise.


I have seen worst sites listed by oscommerce. But I still think EROSHOP? is among the very top 1% of the coolest oscommerce shops .



... is among the very top 1% of the coolest oscommerce shops .




Okay seriously, tell me you are joking?? I'd put it in the bottom 20%.


Here's just a quick list of things you need to fix:


1. Why have every page SSL encrypted? Besides that, they aren't even fully encrypted.


2. The product images are terrible. Get a thumbnail contribution, and get some decent images to use.


3. When you view a product, the right column is HUGE (likely because the manufacturer image is large). So instead of focusing on the product, I am instead immediately drawn to the massive right side, and I barely even notice the tiny column that actually shows the product information.


4. I don't like the colors. The site is just too "Busy". It's quite distracting.


5. Magneto therapy... magnetic conditioners for hot water heaters? Do people actually believe and buy that stuff?


6. Product descriptions - where are they?? I have no idea what 90% of your products are even for, or why I would want them.



This is just a partial list, but it gives you a start. I don't intent to be mean or anything, but you need a bit of a reality check before you go pouring a ton of time and money into this site. It's better that we set you straight now, before you lose everything :(


put bluntly no its crap...


There are so many things about this site it will take too much time start with those links above.


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