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Question about hosting an image on a secured server


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Last night, I tried to set up the PayPal payment page that has my site's logo on it.


The site's logo is saved in the images folder of the shopping cart. But when I upload it to the PayPal payment page, you get that annoying lil window asking if you want to continue (secure/unsecure thingy).


So, my question is - where do I save my site's logo image so one doesn't get that annoying message window?


Obviously only some of the site is https - the key pages.


Thanks for the help! :thumbsup:




When you say "upload the image the PayPal", it sounds like there is a configuration on PayPal that allows you to supply the URL of the logo image you want to use. Make sure that this address 'https' (notice the "s"), and you should be all set.




The image that Paypal uses needs to be hosted on a secure server i.e. you'll need some sort of certificate installed - if your store is already in a secure area (usually https://) then it shouldn't matter where in there it is. If your image is currently in a non-secure area of your server (sounds like it is - http://) then either duplicate or move it to the secure bit! If you make a duplicate and put it in https://www.yourstore.com/catalog/images then amend the URL of your image in your PayPal settings it should get rid of the warning.....not sure if that helps....hope so..... :)


I guess what I don't understand is how to make a http into a https. My SSL cert is installed and working fine in the important pages afaik. I don't want the WHOLE site nor store https, only those pages where it's absolutely necessary.


Hmmmmmmm I'm missing something that you dont' know I'm missing - information wise.


I guess I'll forgo the site banner and just use text for now. Thanks for your help anyhow.


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