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SSL Security padlock


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I Installed my OsCommerce Template recently and my SSL works but how do i get the small lock to show at the btton right corner of the browser window.

i was recently told that my SSL protection is not complete because it only changes to https:// in the checkout area and while processing a customer account but doesn't show the padlock, and whenever a customer signs in they are told that they will be transfered to a none secure site(which i dont want because this will run them away) even though when its processing the customer info the http:// switches to https:// for a second then goes back.


My SSL was installed over a month ago by my hosting company and someone took a look at my config file and said everything seems t by in order( http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=201022 )


Can u tell me what is actually missing here, why i am not seeing the padlock at the button of the window?

Since Oscommerce redirects the customer to a none secure part of my site can my entire site be secure so has to make my customers feel secure and comfortable?


My website is



maybe if you see it you can instruct me on what is missing and what need to be done.


Thank you so much for any assistance you can send my way. :thumbsup:


There are two problems.


1. You are using one of those sloppily coded templates that hardcode https links to http. You'll need to edit those links.


2. Even with the sloppily coded template when you do get to a page that's https you're still not getting the padlock - so there's something else wrong. One of the forum posters (AlanR) has written a guide in the Tips & Tricks forum which deals with ssl issues.



There are two problems.


1. You are using one of those sloppily coded templates that hardcode https links to http. You'll need to edit those links.


2. Even with the sloppily coded template when you do get to a page that's https you're still not getting the padlock - so there's something else wrong. One of the forum posters (AlanR) has written a guide in the Tips & Tricks forum which deals with ssl issues.




I checked out what AlanR had to say my config files are identical to the ones he has on display the only difference in my OsCommerce isn't installed in a catelog folder. I did my first installation in a catelog folder but i had to change and re-install on the root because my site wouldn't come up whenever you entered the address alone without a /index. could this be the reason?

another question i have is, can i set it up that only when the customer goes to checkout the https:// kicks in, is there away to make the customer log in stay http:// so that they wont get a security warning when they log in?


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