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The e-commerce.

Screw up my site!!


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I can't figure out phpmysql admin.......it's very confusing........it shouldn't be that hard......so I saved a back-up to my HD changed the charater set of model from 12 to 24 in both places....(prdducts and order_products) saved it...then when I tried to upload it..I got 2 errors that had nothing to do with what I changed.....now what I'm wondering is what charater set does the oscommerce use so I can restore my data base from it?


When I try the restore from MySQL Admin, it get to 180877/213206 bytes, and freezes.....I can cancle it and try it again..but nothing happens


The default maximum upload file size for MySQL is 2Mbs - so if your file is larger than that you'll have to split it up into manageable portions.



The default maximum upload file size for MySQL is 2Mbs - so if your file is larger than that you'll have to split it up into manageable portions.



it's only 204k

whats the error you get?

I don't get an error. it just stops the verifaction at a certian point....like it runs into an error with the way osCommerce back-ups the database. It's oober weird.


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