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zero orders after upgrade


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I'm reposting this with a new title as there are several threads concerning this issue.


Ryan has made me more aware of what's happened here:



I moved our shop to a new server and updated all of the configure.php files with the new file paths and database connection details. Now, when an order is placed, with PayPal IPN for example, the orders_total table does not get populated with the recrords for Sub-total, Table Rate (Best Way), or Total. I've got about 30 orders in the shop that are incomplete. Unless you know the order number, you cannot view the order. When you do know the order number, you can manually view it, but the total info is missing.


Can anyone suggest where I look?




Umhmm. I'm having the same problem.


HEre's what I figure.


I upgraded and the old version didn't have a orders_total table. The orders total in admin I assume is a count of these records. New orders show, but as you say the old orders can only be accessed by entering an order number and the don't have totals.


What we need is a script to populate the orders_total db from existing orders. Anyone?


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