braineack Posted March 23, 2006 Posted March 23, 2006 Currently this categories.php shows all the subcategories. I only want them to appear when that category is selected...I'm having trouble making that happen. Anyone care to help? <?php /* $Id: categories.php,v 1.25 2003/07/09 01:13:58 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ function tep_show_category($counter) { global $tree, $categories_string, $cPath_array; if(!$tree[$counter]['level']){ $categories_string .= ''; $categories_string .= '<tr><td><img src=templates/TS0017/images/arrow.jpg width=11 height=11 align=absmiddle> <a class=ml5 href='; if ($tree[$counter]['parent'] == 0) { $cPath_new = 'cPath=' . $counter; } else { $cPath_new = 'cPath=' . $tree[$counter]['path']; } $categories_string .= tep_href_link('index.php', $cPath_new) . '>'; // display category name $categories_string .= $tree[$counter]['name']; $categories_string .= '</a><br><br class=px4></td></tr>'; }else{ // SUBCATEGORY $categories_string .= '<tr><td colspan=2> '; for($i=0;$i<$tree[$counter]['le vel'];$i++) $categories_string .= ' '; $categories_string .= '<a class=ml3 style="font-weight:normal;" href='; if ($tree[$counter]['parent'] == 0) { $cPath_new = 'cPath=' . $counter; } else { $cPath_new = 'cPath=' . $tree[$counter]['path']; } $categories_string .= tep_href_link('index.php', $cPath_new) . '>'; // display category name $categories_string .= $tree[$counter]['name']; $categories_string .= '</a></td></tr>'; } if ($tree[$counter]['next_id'] != false) { tep_show_category($tree[$counter]['next_id']); } } ?> <!-- categories //--> <tr> <td> <?php $info_box_contents = array(); //$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES); new catinfoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, true, false); define(TABLE_CATEGORIES, "categories"); define(TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION, "categories_description"); $categories_string = ''; $tree = array(); $categories_query = tep_db_query("select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='" . (int)$languages_id ."' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name"); while ($categories = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) { $tree[$categories['categories_id']] = array('name' => $categories['categories_name'], 'parent' => $categories['parent_id'], 'level' => 0, 'path' => $categories['categories_id'], 'next_id' => false); if (isset($parent_id)) { $tree[$parent_id]['next_id'] = $categories['categories_id']; } $parent_id = $categories['categories_id']; if (!isset($first_element)) { $first_element = $categories['categories_id']; } } $categories_query = tep_db_query("select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='" . (int)$languages_id ."' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name"); while ($categories = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) { $cPath_array2 = Array(); $new_path = ''; $cPath_array2[] = $categories['categories_id']; while (list($key, $value) = each($cPath_array2)) { unset($parent_id); unset($first_id); $categories_query2 = tep_db_query("select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c, " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd where c.parent_id = '" . (int)$value . "' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='" . (int)$languages_id ."' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name"); if (tep_db_num_rows($categories_query2)) { $new_path .= $value; while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query2)) { $tree[$row['categories_id']] = array('name' => $row['categories_name'], 'parent' => $row['parent_id'], 'level' => $key+1, 'path' => $new_path . '_' . $row['categories_id'], 'next_id' => false); if (isset($parent_id)) { $tree[$parent_id]['next_id'] = $row['categories_id']; } $parent_id = $row['categories_id']; if (!isset($first_id)) { $first_id = $row['categories_id']; } $last_id = $row['categories_id']; } $tree[$last_id]['next_id'] = $tree[$value]['next_id']; $tree[$value]['next_id'] = $first_id; $new_path .= '_'; } else { break; } } } tep_show_category($first_element); $info_box_contents = array(); $info_box_contents[] = array('text' => $categories_string); new catinfoBox($info_box_contents); ?> </td> </tr> <!-- categories_eof //-->
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