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The payment modules are in includes/modules/payment. They are called by checkout_process.php.



Thanks for your help. Can you tell me how does PayPal send the data from oscommerce to PayPal web site?

Through a secure connection using openssl I believe. If you look in the modules file, you can find where it connects.





Do you know why when im on my confirmation step total and shiping appers and when its transfer to paypal only subtotal appers without shipping? can you help me?


thanks in advance

Which paypal module are you using? What are the sort orders in admin->modules->Order Total?



Im currently using PayPal IPN Module v1.0 For 2.2MS2 but before had installed the original that comes with the installation and that one didnt work either ..


here is the sort order:

Shipping --- 2

Sub-TOtal -- 1

Tax -------- 3

Total ------ 4


Thank you for your help

There is a 1.1 version available. I don't recall what was changed but it might be worth trying. Also, try changing the transaction type in the modules settings.





have the latest version installed, I have changed sort order, but still leaves shipping out of the total when sending to paypal. Any hints???????

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