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Payment and SSL


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This site's sole purpose is to sell two different versions of a program. The program is downloadable... the site just pays for licenses.


Anyway, I'm not using SSL on this site. When you go to checkout, it asks for your credit card number, which is not good. It should just display a button to take you to paypal for your payment.


I swear that yesterday, I had it setup so that when you checkout, you only saw the link/button to go to PayPal to pay. No customer information form asking for a CC number.


I'm using the PayPal Web Payments Pro contrib. files.


What setting did I change to make it start asking for a CC number? How can I turn it off? Yes, the paypal button works, but I need to get the entire form asking for CC number off the screen.



A related question. I'm not using SSL now... In the future, we may want to get an SSL cert and take the CC number directly on the site. I don't know how to change the configuration to use SSL. Where is the setting to turn it on and off?


Thanks. I'm new here.


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