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Order not showing if paying with Paypal?


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I've now had this happen with two different customers and I don't know where to go to fix it. The problem is that they are placing their orders on the shopping cart, but when they go to pay with paypal their order information is not registering. They are showing up as customers, but with no order detail and yet we get a generic email from paypal with a dollar amount but have no clue what they ordered off of the site.


Anythoughts on how I can fix this?




its because they're not returning to the store after paying. Either use the paypal IPN contribution or the recover cart sales.


I got some help with this some time ago, I will try and find the post.


I had to do a few things, one was log into my paypal and make sure that my return page through paypal, returned the customer to my shopping cart checkout_success.php


I checked the database and the order that came to the paypal account is not in the dadabase. Any idea what could be happening here?


I must have been typing/thinking about the database post while you guys were posting... Thanks a lot of the suggestions, I will check it out. Its been a 15 hour days here already... will have to save till morning. Thanks again.


I really need a solution to this too as I cannot launch my site until it works

It worked fine with Paypal sandbox, but now with real cash it wont work -

Paypal returns you to my store, but shows no download links and no entries in the order history


When using paypal, you need to set the redirect within your paypal profile back to your site. People have opinions as to where to redirect back to, but i think that its checkout_sucess.php.



You think you must have auto return set to on. Send them back to



You can also try installing this contribution

Making PayPal Return Order Data



Or this one

orders holding report which shows you what someone had in their cart when they go to order confirmation. It is good for all payment methods.


Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.


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