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OSc & MAC Browser Compatibility ?


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Hello, anyone who has developes w/ OSc may have come across the question: Does OSc display on a MAC? I don't own a MAC, and have not been able to test OSc in one.


Does anyone have any insight on how OScommerce outputs to current MAC browsers?


Here is a list of MACs most popular browsers, and looking for any pointers re: rendering OSc


Internet Explorer 5.2.3

BumperCar 2.0.7

Camino 1.0


iCab 3.0b382

Mozilla 1.7.12

Netscape 7.2

Opera 8.52

Safari 2.0.3

Shiira 1.2.2

WaMCom 1.3.1

WannaBe 1.0b14


I've never had any issues with OSC not displaying correctly on any of my Mac browsers.


Microsoft did the decent thing earlier this year and consigned their Mac version of IE to the dustbin so I wouldn't lose too much sleep over how it looks in that particular piece of software ;-)




Ive not had any issues in firefox on the mac, but in safari the checkout button refuses to work, and so far ive not found a solution.

Ive not had any issues in firefox on the mac, but in safari the checkout button refuses to work, and so far ive not found a solution.

I've use both Safari and firefox regularly on a Mac with no problems. Never experienced a problem with the checkout button.


Some of the standard OSC code is not W3C complient though, so some browsers / versions may have problems. I went through OSC and made it w3C complient (mostly stuff like <br> instead of <br /> and missing end tags of tables etc). It didn't take long to fix it all though; about a week as I remember.


I can't understand why stuff like this doesn't get fixed in the official release. It's so blindingly obvious and trivial to fix. Of course, any contributions you may add may also have HTML syntax fauilts that cause problems. One notable contribution is the "professional invoices" one. This contains some horrendous errors in its html syntax which causes real problems for Safari. It's fixable, but you need to be reasonably HTML savvy to do it; took me a couple of days I think; I'm not very hot on HTML :-).




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