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The e-commerce.

Adding items to cart that are not in the DB


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Sorry if this has been asked before but I did a search to no avail...


On my oscommerce site I have lots of stuff loaded into the database etc, but I have plenty of stuff that isn't. I set up a way for my users to enter part numbers they are looking for, and I display the results of their search (which queries a completely different system and database). What do I need to do to allow the user to add these parts to their cart? I have all the information about the part in the $_POST array, I just don't know how to send it the the oscommerce shopping cart and have the user order it from there.


I hope this makes sense, and thanks.


There is a contribution that allows you to have user-editable text fields for product attributes. You could create a generic product, with a text field where the user can type in the part number / model number, etc. that they get from your other database.


How you'd manage the price, though, I have no idea.


There are contributions like EP (and others) that intend to make mass updating of products easier - - this may be your best bet.



you cannot without some major code changes.


That's not good :blush:


What about adding the items, prices, etc to the database whenever a customer wants to buy it? The information I have is real time, since it is querying my main database. I would imagine I could hack the process of adding it in then letting the ecommerce software take it from there.


The EP contrib won't really work, my data changes frequently and I'm dealing with about 750,000 SKUs.


I guess I better dust off the PHP book and give it a try.


I have an idea.


What if I take the catagories.php page, reproduce the form with PRE-POPULATED information (from my other data) and have it submit itself and redirect to where I want to go. Wouldn't that add it to my oscommerce db, therefore enabling the part to be added to the cart? Some javascript seems to be all I would need.


The only thing I can see being a problem would be security issues.


Has anyone ever tried this?? Some advice before I attempt this would be greatly appreciated.


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