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The e-commerce.

Send url which allow checkout without logging


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I want to do something like that:

- after receving info from auction I create account and add product to basket

- after that I send url which allow checkout without logging.


To do this I insert into tables sessions,whos_online some informations.


And send prepared email with this url.


But this method was working on my testing enviroment, but when I trying to aplly it to my shop it stop working.

On my shop it always require logging.


It's look that my working shop dosn't check whos_online table.

Or maybe there is difrence between session procesing.


I make test:

I prepared those information for 2 clients ie:




on tables whos_online SID=1 show customer_id=1 and SID=2 show customer_id=2

After that I check above links I always got login page

After login into customer_id=3 and clicking above links I got basket which have goods but from customer_id=3.


In my testing enviroment I have situation that after clicking above links I have basket from customer_id 1 and 2.


Any sugestions?


Thanks for any help




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