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Java and images


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I have 2 problems from couple of weeks.


1. Some of the images ( like categories images, banner ) disappear, instead of images there are [AD]

How to put back images?


2. Have problem with background image in Java applet on my site. Theres about two weeks the BG image became invisible in browsers on any computer. I have reloaded image (CHMOD 777) and class to server, rechecked code, put code to another place, but nothings better.


<applet code=HGWorldClock.class width=100 height=100 name="WorldClock">
			<param name="backimage"		value="clock.gif">
			<param name="horzoffset"	value="4">
			<param name="vertoffset"	value="4">
			<param name="pinradius"		value="5">
			<param name="clockradius"	value="-9">
			<param name="backcolor"		value="#dedbce">
			<param name="hhandcolor"	value="black">
			<param name="mhandcolor"	value="black">
			<param name="shandcolor"	value="yellow">
			<param name="pincolor"		value="yellow">


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