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Error: Catalog images directory does not exist: /OLDHOST/user :: Help ::


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Hello, I kind of need help. I moved my entire store from one host to another. I have made the db changes and almost all is well. Once I thought things were good I tried to add a new product, the listing took but the image didn't.


If giving the location of the old hosting company. Can someone tell me if this is fixable?



Error: Destination does not exist.

Error: Catalog images directory does not exist: /homepages/28/d88783310/htdocs/store/images/




David Rodriguez


Here is it, www.networking-help.biz/store. It's strange because if you click over the image it shows the correct path, but in the admin page it shows the error below.




Hello, I kind of need help. I moved my entire store from one host to another. I have made the db changes and almost all is well. Once I thought things were good I tried to add a new product, the listing took but the image didn't.


If giving the location of the old hosting company. Can someone tell me if this is fixable?



Error: Destination does not exist.

Error: Catalog images directory does not exist: /homepages/28/d88783310/htdocs/store/images/




David Rodriguez


When you view the properties of the image in the admin consol does it give the correct path as well?


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