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Payments Page - customising the look - HELP


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I use nochex as my payment processor, and like paypal after the order confirmation, it goes to the secure nochex server, payment is made then returns back to oscommerce site.


I have recently upgraded to a merchant account and can now add my header and footer, so the payments page looks similer to my shop,

but their is the expanse of white where the credit cards show

see below



however yesterday I came accross a shop that had customised the complete page


shown below




by adding left and right colums makes the customer totally unaware that they even leave the site.


How is this done.


As i said above only header and footer html can be added to the nochex page (as I have done top picture)


to get the outside page to show as part of the oscommerce site, is it called from the script and loaded into a frame somehow ???


I really want to learn how to do this. Even adding a border round the page would improve the look. If anyone can help, I will be very obliged, Id even be happy to pay for the mod.


and here is proof that it can be done !!


Thanks in advance



Hi, I to have just upgraded my account to the new nochex merchant version 1:2

They have sent me a load of info but I can't get my head around any of it.

I'm completely lost, I don't want this payment page https://secure.nochex.com/

I have the Nochex module installed in my OsCommerce store and I need the new link for "checkout", not that payment page.

My current setting in osCommerce is this....

$this->form_action_url = 'https://www.nochex.com/nochex.dll/checkout';


Anyone know what I should be doing to take advantage of my upgraded nochex account?

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