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Search Engine Optimisation of Oscommerce Shop


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Hi does anyone know how to optimise an Oscommerce shop. I have added the header tag contribution but


still Google only sees the domain name.


I have now added a front .htm page to the site to try to overcome my problem.


Does anyone know of a better way !!!!!


Online Shop Here


there are no meta tags showing up for your individual products, only the main page

"I must admit that I personally measure success in terms of the contributions an individual makes to her or his fellow human beings."

---Margaret Mead---


"The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer -- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer.

--Ken Kesey"


One of the best ways to ruin a sites rankings is to use an entrance page like that. You should get rid of it right away and optimize your oscommerce shop properly. Installing Header Tags will help you but it is not the only thing you need to do. Have you searched the forum at all for SEO. It is one of the most popular subjects in the forums. You will find all sorts of information that will help you with your site. Also, Header Tags is not working correctly on yourr site. That would be the place to start.



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Hi does anyone know how to optimise an Oscommerce shop. I have added the header tag contribution but


still Google only sees the domain name.


I have now added a front .htm page to the site to try to overcome my problem.


Does anyone know of a better way !!!!!


Online Shop Here



Firstly dont expect anything in traffic or rankings from google for the first 3-4 months for a new site....


(Yahoo and MSN is a much better place to check if you have done things right for this time periode)


Secondly there is something not correctly done in regards to the header tags on your site...


Your front page showes the general tags but your catgeories/sub-categories and products is not correct.


Can be one of these points or a combination of the following.


- You have not added metas for your categories/products in your admin or you have not used the header tags automatic tag filling system

- You have not installed the Header tags correctly and/or fully



When everything is correctly set up, your products, categories and sub-categories are supposed to have individual tittles and metas, now they do not.

Firstly dont expect anything in traffic or rankings from google for the first 3-4 months for a new site....


(Yahoo and MSN is a much better place to check if you have done things right for this time periode)


Secondly there is something not correctly done in regards to the header tags on your site...


Your front page showes the general tags but your catgeories/sub-categories and products is not correct.


Can be one of these points or a combination of the following.


- You have not added metas for your categories/products in your admin or you have not used the header tags automatic tag filling system

- You have not installed the Header tags correctly and/or fully

When everything is correctly set up, your products, categories and sub-categories are supposed to have individual tittles and metas, now they do not.


Thanks for the replies.


I did install the meta tag contribution and this seems to be working for the first page fine.


But in the admin section each item shows the meta tags, but these are not appearing on each page. Not sure


why ?


The code for the title and meta tags has to be added to each file in the root directory that you want to have Header Tags work with. It sounds like you only did the index.php file.



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The code for the title and meta tags has to be added to each file in the root directory that you want to have Header Tags work with. It sounds like you only did the index.php file.




When you choose an item with descriptions the meta tags are missing. They are on the index, about us,


shows and contact us pages. Any more ideas.....


My site has been up for about a month and a half and I have already had 23 orders. Also when I type in site:myurl.com in google it comes up with 147 results from my site. It has all of my product pages in it. I have installed dynamic meta tags and the seo urls contribution. I really like the dynamic meta tags because it changes the title of the product page to the name of the product then the name of your store. That way, when people type a product in google they see the name of your product in the title. I think the biggest way that I got in google so fast is becuase I emailed about 40-50 similar sites asking to exchange links. (that seems to help the most) Also registering with dmoz.org will help. Hope that help you :D


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