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[TIP] Searching the osCommerce Forums


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Many people complain that they can't find things on the forum, but there's no need for problems.


If you haven't got the Google Toolbar installed in your Browser then get it installed.


Once you have it installed and you want to search this forum for something - for example an error message - then put the error message into the Google Toolbar Search Box and select 'Current Site' to search from.


Google is constantly spidering these forums, so their information is pretty much up to date.


You'll also reduce the load on the forums, which can't be a bad thing.



  • 8 months later...

Thank you for this fantastic tip! I didn't really want to add another tool bar to my web browser, but this one was worth it. I found the help I needed very quickly using this tip after having no luck after almost an hour searching the forums.


Copy the error msg

and search with google likes code below


XXXXXX site:www.oscommerce.com/forums


Replace with XXXX with the error msg ...

I always do likes that and get the solution .. :P

  • 4 weeks later...

thank you. as a newbie i have been spending ages trolling these forums and i think you have just saved me LOADS of time.


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