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Product Name cuts off in a new language (Russian)


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Hello all!

I have recently (a few months ago) also became a proud owner of my own shop powered by osCommerce. :)


Now trying to add a new language to my osCommerce admin which was not pre-built (there is German and Spanish). I have used English as a shell and have changed the encoding and all that stuff, text throughout the store and now in the process of starting to change product descriptions (to add descriptions in Russian ). However, the problem I have encountered is that when I add for instance an order status in Russian : Pending, Shipped and etc... it's being cut off to only 4 characters, even though I only enter 1 word that is the same length as Processed in English. It's being cut off for some reason.

The same thing is happenning with Product Titles. Once I enter product name - after update it is being cut off to about maybe 10 characters - of course product name will have spaces in it, but I still see no reason why would it cut off. The description is left intact. But, once I go into admin section, go into edit mode on that product - the Product Name in Russian is cut off.


My question is - why would it be doing this? Has anyone seen something like this before? I have not seen posts about this issue on the forum - if there are any, I wasn't able to find them. Since I took English as a shell I assumed all the field lengths should stay the same....maybe my assumption is wrong...


I'd appreciate any help! I do not know a lot about php programming - my programming knowledge is limited to some HTML and some VBA... So what I can figure out - I get done myself. But on this one I am stumped...


Thanks all,



Oh, yeah..the address is www.amarille.com/catalog. Can't get my SSL to work either, but that's another can of worms...

I have used English as a shell and have changed the encoding and all that stuff, text throughout the store and now in the process of starting to change product descriptions (to add descriptions in Russian ). However, the problem I have encountered is that when I add for instance an order status in Russian : Pending, Shipped and etc... it's being cut off to only 4 characters, even though I only enter 1 word that is the same length as Processed in English. It's being cut off for some reason.

The same thing is happenning with Product Titles. Once I enter product name - after update it is being cut off to about maybe 10 characters - of course product name will have spaces in it, but I still see no reason why would it cut off. The description is left intact. But, once I go into admin section, go into edit mode on that product - the Product Name in Russian is cut off.


My question is - why would it be doing this? Has anyone seen something like this before? I have not seen posts about this issue on the forum - if there are any, I wasn't able to find them. Since I took English as a shell I assumed all the field lengths should stay the same....maybe my assumption is wrong...

Haven't tried Russian, only know a few (important ;) ) words like pectopah?

I gather your DB has the default size field in products_description.products_name? You might want to make it bigger, because the cyrillic text in the source code of your store is in html entities

title=" 1054; 1078; 1077; 1088; 1077; 1083; 1100; 1077; 1080; " and it looks like this in browser:title=" Ожерелье и "

and as you can see, it takes up quite a lot of room.


Have you taken a peek in your DB, if you actually have the full size text in those fields and if it is in cyrillics or html entities?





Thanks so much for the reply :)


I have actually even tried russian os commerce but no help there. I did go to the table in my db and change PRODUCT_NAME to VARCHAR(225) - as I did find the post that advised that. Okay - no luck....


Went into my admin and tried to mess with russian.php there - no luck. You're correct - it does NOT show in cyrillics when I edit my .php files and I am not sure how to deal with that. darn it...

I want to have both languages - english and russian, but russian has been a pain in the rear so far (I should not say that - I love my language, lol). But I am convinced I am doing something wrong, or not doing something - that's why I get this problem.


Also went thru my entire db, some fields were showing OVERHEAD and the size. I thought to myself, okay, let me increase the size on those - still no change. Also changed the encoding in russian.php to windows-1251 in admin and in catalog. Whew... I am about to run out of steam....


If you could be of any asisstance - I'd greatly appreciate it!


(I know not many people on this post, if any, have tried installing russian as a language, :), but maybe someone will see this and might be able to assist)....


Thank you!!!!!!!

I have actually even tried russian os commerce but no help there. I did go to the table in my db and change PRODUCT_NAME to VARCHAR(225) - as I did find the post that advised that. Okay - no luck....

So, I take it you have tried one or several of these: Russian language packs


Went into my admin and tried to mess with russian.php there - no luck. You're correct - it does NOT show in cyrillics when I edit my .php files and I am not sure how to deal with that. darn it...

Have you tried editing with a text-editor (not via admin)? If you open and/or save the file with the right encoding you should be able to write in russian. (I downloaded one of the above mentioned packs, opened a file in text editor, fumbled a little with encodings (windows-1251) and fonts, and managed to read the text in russian, in cyrillics). So editing your language files in a text editor using cyrillics instead of entities should clear any label/heading problems.

Now to the DB. Mysql can handle cyrillics quite nicely, so check with your phpMyAdmin (or whatever), not with admin section of osC, that the database text is in cyrillics. Change if necessary.

I want to have both languages - english and russian, but russian has been a pain in the rear so far (I should not say that - I love my language, lol). But I am convinced I am doing something wrong, or not doing something - that's why I get this problem.

I'm certain the problems have to do with (encodings and) html entities (and the fact that php was designed for plain lower ascii use). Personally I prefer Unicode (utf-8), but it is fairly young as encodings go. :-"

BTW you did remember to change the product_name length also in table:orders!?


Also changed the encoding in russian.php to windows-1251 in admin and in catalog.

Probably your DB should also be encoded windows-1251. Possibly is, already.


At the moment I'm figuring out the finer points of Dimensional weight, zones, extra fields and fees etc. so I don't have time to play with a full russian installation right now. Later this spring, perhaps. I may have use for it someday.


Best of luck



Thank you so much for your support and your time!!!

I have changed the field in table orders, yes. But have not tried the other stuff - like using a text editor.. (duh!) I'll go try that and see if that works.

Keeping my fingers crossed and having my shoes tied double-knots - hoping for the best.... :)


You know what, double knots helped!...helped me figure out that the database I was accessing was apparently not my current database.... :)

I was migrated to a new server a few weeks ago and it occured to me when I started querying the tables in my db that they did not have any new information in there!

It appears that the db in my hosting account is the db on the old server. I went into my configure.php and got the ip of a new database. Connected, changed the datatatype of PRODUCT_NAME field to VARCHAR(255) and guess what - it worked! I have not resolved the issue with HTML entities showing up instead of cyrrilics, but working on that - thank you for the tips so much! Half the problem is resolved though - I was able to at least start on changing product names...

Feeling pretty dumb right now...lol

You know what, double knots helped!...helped me figure out that the database I was accessing was apparently not my current database.... :)

I was migrated to a new server a few weeks ago and it occured to me when I started querying the tables in my db that they did not have any new information in there!

It appears that the db in my hosting account is the db on the old server. I went into my configure.php and got the ip of a new database.

Yeah, it is kind of hard seeing the effect of changes in one database, if you are using another :D

I thought I was the only one goofing like that. Wellcome to the club :-"



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