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Oops! What file is the admin catalog list in? *pic included*


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After installing a couple mods I noticed this. What file is that located in? I could be looking though files all day to find that :blush: anyone help a brother out?

Whatever contribution that is needs an entry in includes/languages/english.php. If you look in that file, you'll see what I mean.

I can see what you mean... but i don't know which mod that was :( Im just trying to figure out what file pulls that data so I can see what I did wrong.

I can see what you mean... but i don't know which mod that was :( Im just trying to figure out what file pulls that data so I can see what I did wrong.

admin/includes/boxes/catalog.php for the win!


whew solved it myself

admin/includes/boxes/catalog.php for the win!


whew solved it myself


That didn't fix your problem


That only hid it.


The real way to fix it is to set the correct define for that BOX_CATALOG_IMP_EXP


That code looks like it came from easy polulate - did you install that by chance?

This is from the Easy Populate Install ReadMe (You most likely missed this step)



7. Edit files \admin\includes\languages\english.php and add in bottom before ?> :


// Easy polulate

define('BOX_CATALOG_IMP_EXP', 'Utility Import Export');

// END



Which means that after you fix that, then you should go back and undo what you did in the catalog file by doing this



3. For adding link to the Admin, edit file admin/includes/boxes/catalog.php by adding this line:


// Easy populate

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_IMP_EXP_CATALOG, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_IMP_EXP . '</a><br>' .

// END Easy populate



'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES, '', 'NONSSL') . '"


'</a><br>' .

My Contributions


Henry Smith


As a note, the bad thing about hiding problems and not truely fixing them it that error just cause more server load, more responses back and forth and fill up your server logs.


I check my error logs daily and if I ever see anything there I fix it. The past month my server error log has been nearly empty - And that is the purpose of errors and the error log. So that you can see what is wrong, so you know what to fix. Hiding a problem will only cause issues much later when something else doesn't work.. and then you're really confused (because you can't see the other errors that may be happening) because of a band-aid instead of a cure for the problem.


It may be harsh, but trust me, your much better off now and in the future if you take care of it the right way.

My Contributions


Henry Smith


Good geuss on the easy populate! Yah the thing is I never got it fully installed, I got a couple steps in and the code didn't match up to the install, its a pending question I have in the contribution support section. Without having the install really match up to what I was doing I didn't want to cause any huge problems.


heres a cut from my post

"I just got started with the install except I want to stop myself before I cause a big problem Appearantly in the easypopulate.php file im looking for $tempdir... the only problem is I don't have that string in the file, and since I don't have a catalog directory it's a problem Whats wrong?"


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