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Really Need Some Help


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I am having a problem with getting the pictures to display. When I go to the new product page, I can not get the images to work. I have tried to upload to the harddrive and to go right to it. The address is www.brinee.com if you go there on the first page is a Test one anc you can see whats happening. The examples work but the new ones wont. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!


what images - exactly aren't showing?


all seem to display ok, although some are wrong size, which gives that blurred look






OK if you go tho the main site you will see a test product. What i did was when i was adding it I went to browse and went to the directory of where the picture is. then i hit insert. It says at the top: Warning: no files uploaded. And show the images as a broken link. I have also tried to point it to where the file is on the web and it still gives me a broken link. I have no idea what the problem is or why the example ones are working but not the new ones.


I have noticed, when i go to editing of an example, below the box where that says browse. is the name of the image of the example. oo.gif or what ever it is. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!


Just a quick thought....

are your images folders set to permissions 777, so they can be written to?


I thought that was going to be it but i changed it and it still is giving the same thing.



No matter what I put in the product image field, either from my harddrive or the location of the image, it always says:Warning: no file uploaded. Its making me thing that there is a problem with that field box? is that possible?


When I right click on the pic on the homepage it says the location is: http://brinee.8m.com/cgi/osc/images/


But on the example images say: http://brinee.8m.com/cgi/osc/images/uuu.jpg


but you see I didnt put in the first one, its almost like it is just defulting to that.


Is there an older version of this that I can download?


I have also noticed this in the SQL data base: I dont know if it means anything:


Field Type Attributes Null Default Extra Action


products_image varchar(64) Yes NULL Change Drop Primary Index Unique Fulltext



I worried about the null part?? but maybe nothing


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