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loclahost testsite to website


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hi there,


been searching for a while now, leaarned a lot of cool stuff but haven't found what I was looking for...


how do I put my testsite online ? with all products an settings and all still working :D





hi there,


been searching for a while now, leaarned a lot of cool stuff but haven't found what I was looking for...


how do I put my testsite online ? with all products an settings and all still working :D





This might help! Hopefully I can remember enough steps to get you going!


1) Do a dump of data and structure of your local MySql database and make a note of what it is called and where you saved it.


2) On your website (using myphpadmin or whatever) generate the Mysql database and user/password etc. then click on the SQL symbol at the top of the left hand frame.


3) In the new window click on Import Files and import your saved dump file from step 1 and away you go!


4) Copy all you Oscommerce files onto your server (except for the \includes\local\config.php and the \admin\includes\local\config.php files - these should have your "local config" info in them while the \includes\config.php and the \admin\includes\config.php files contain your "real server config" info). Make sure you preserve the same structure on your server as on your local machine!


You may have to modifiy your config files to use the specific username/password combinations for your server which will probably be different from what you chose when you were developing on your local machine. Just make sure you change you local machine username/password to use the same.


I hope that is all. Try it and see. Just be aware that once you have a live system and a test system that the two databases will very quickly become out of sync.




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