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The e-commerce.

Different County, Different Price?


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I would like to build a store E-Commerce website for a business partner. However, I have some problems. I have delt with oS-Commerce and I was unsure if they support this option or if there where a contribution to support it.





My partner would like to list products the usual way, however, he has branches of his store throughout 17 countries. Each country has a different price on that item. Also, each country, MAY or MAY NOT have the item. He would like to go into his product listings and add a new product, and have the option to add an idividual price for EACH country. He would also like the option that he can check off each country using a checkbox if the item is not available on that country. So if a user selects say "Ney York" as their Home Country, then it would only display items that are checked off for "New York" with the price that was entered for New York.

What would also be needed with this contribution, is a drop down list on the home/index page, showing a list of the countries he operates from and let the client choose one before proceeding.


Please help.


OK, well this owuld need a serious modification, but its possible;


For starters you would need to add 16 extra columns to the products table relating to each price, and then another 16 products status lines.


Your selector on the home page would then need to provide a feeder into the HTTP_POST_VARS which you would need to retain for the duration of the clients visit to determine which price and status column is looked up. This HTTP_POST_VARS would probably be best processed in application_top where the other VARS are processed.


After this point you then need to amend the processing on every file relating to display of currencies.


Looking at that as one alternative, the other alternative would be to actually make 17 seperate stores with this information seperated into 17 different products tables; yout hen only need to amend in includes/database_tables which products table to look up, whilst all other tables can be common between sites. Your frontpage selector in this scenario serves to choose which site they are actually looking at. This solution has the benefit of being easier to incorporate into the currency files and order_total files, as no edits would be necessary int hese places.


You would in either case need to manually create a new categories.php page for your admin, which would need to be carefully thought out to save having a massive admin screen - up to you, but it may make sense to actually administer these options seperately on each subsite; once they are setup, you can revert to a single admin screen for processing of orders and day-to-day management.


Either way, best of luck.


Of course, if it was just a cas of differing prices, this could be done using a clever use of the currency tables. ;)


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