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Crazy mistake now i rip ot my hair! LMAO


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I deleted my Manufacturs under catalog/admin/manufacturers, wanting to start over and ended up screwing up my sql file, but i dont know how or what to replace or re enter to correct.

in my catalog/admin/manufacturers I am now missing the add or edit manufacturer buttons? now it says



1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-20, 20' at line 1


select manufacturers_id, manufacturers_name, manufacturers_image, date_added, last_modified from manufacturers order by manufacturers_name limit -20, 20




This is kicking my buns!


I am considering a complete reinstall, if i do will i lose the contribs and text i have done so far?


if I could see the mysql data from another copy's manufacur_info i think i could fix but not sure what to do now?


Another thing is in mysql, there is a list to the left with all OSC files.

One of the two im having problems with are:

- Manufacturers

- Manufacturers_info


I click on Manufacturers then in right fram:


To right is a another frame with tabs(buttons) accross the top includes:

* Browse

* Structure


* Search

* Insert

* Export

* Import

* Operations

* Empty

* Drop

This part is hard to explane, but i need to know where to edit the sql?

This is in the feild to the right with check boxs to the left of eash field, you select the hit edit, then..



Field Type Collation Attributes NULL defalt extra action

manufacturers_id int(11) No auto_increment Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext

manufacturers_name varchar(32) latin1_swedish_ci No Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext

manufacturers_image varchar(64) latin1_swedish_ci Yes NULL Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext

date_added datetime Yes NULL Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext

last_modified datetime Yes NULL Browse distinct values Change Drop Primary Unique Index Fulltext



you can select :change, drop, index, ect


I think this is how i repair it?

I need to know witch field to change and what text to add?


If any one can help thanks, I am at the end of my rope! LOL





there is a fix for that, just search for 1064 or "-20, 20"

cool I'll look!




ALAN R You are the man, totaly fixed my problem!!!!





TP :o :lol: :P :thumbsup:


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