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The e-commerce.

Orders Missing & PayPal Problems


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Our website is: http://outstandingmusic.com/catalog/


Problem: We use PayPal to as our payment gateway. We have orders come in and PayPal does collect the money. However, two things have happened:


1) The osCommerce site does not even show in the orders report the actual orders. It's as though no order came through. The entire orders simply do not show up in osCommerce. How could that happen? The customers place an order on our site. The osCommerce shopping cart sends the billing to PayPal (that works fine), but the osCommerce shopping cart keeps no record of the orders! Where did they go?


2) To add to the problem even though PayPal collects the money from the orders it does not it does not tell what item number was ordered. So I have no idea what the customer orderd.


This sound like you have not set up your paypal account corectly, namely the return url. If paypal customers are not returned to your site, this sort of thing will happen. You need to go intyo your profile in your paypal account, and in the right hand column there should be a link to alter the return url. I think it should point to your checkout sucess page, but i may be wrong.


Hope this cures your problems.



Does anyone have an idea of what that URL should be? I believe Steve is 100% correct, but I've been checking everywhere trying to find what I should set the return URL to, but cant find it. This is my last step before the site is operational lol.


Thanks in advance.


It should return to checkout_process.php and use the PayPal IPN to see orders when the client kills the window before the redirect.

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