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How doI change the path of my store?


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My company has inherited a website that wasn't that well designed. The current path to the store is https://company.hostingisp.com/giftcertific...foscomm/catalog (the actual URL is even longer than that). I'd like to change that to https://store.company.com or if not that than at least https://company.hostingisp.com/store. I know that getting https://store.company.com would require a dedicated IP address which I'm not sure if my client will want to purchase, so that's why I'm focusing on the second option.


How might I go about moving /giftcertificate/nfoscomm/catalog to /store? I doubt it's as simple as moving/copying the files to a new path, so what would I need to setup on the osCommerce side to make the move? Or is moving the store path even possible?


Thanks in advance

My company has inherited a website that wasn't that well designed. The current path to the store is https://company.hostingisp.com/giftcertific...foscomm/catalog (the actual URL is even longer than that). I'd like to change that to https://store.company.com or if not that than at least https://company.hostingisp.com/store. I know that getting https://store.company.com would require a dedicated IP address which I'm not sure if my client will want to purchase, so that's why I'm focusing on the second option.


How might I go about moving /giftcertificate/nfoscomm/catalog to /store? I doubt it's as simple as moving/copying the files to a new path, so what would I need to setup on the osCommerce side to make the move? Or is moving the store path even possible?


Thanks in advance


Actually it is that simple (with a twist)


Move the directory structure (all contents of ..../catalog to /store


Edit two files


/catalog/includes/configure.php (change all associated paths to the new one)

/admin/includes/configure.php (again, change all paths to the new one)


All else should work.


If you remove the /giftcertificate/nfoscomm/catalog directories, I would place a perm redirect in your .htaccess files from the old to the new

My Contributions


Henry Smith


Move the source then edit catalog/includes/configure.php to set the revised locations of your files.




PS: If you also your admin pages don't forget to change catalog/admin/includes/configure.php


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