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Alternative to Categories Description contrib?


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I've been told that the reason the Categories Description contribution didn't work for me was because I'm also using the Header Tags Controller contrib. I also have Ultimate SEO URLs contrib installed. Is there anything I can do to add new text to the category pages without using Categories Description??


There are actually about 5 different categories description contribs, cant imagine they all conflict with header tags....


anyway, you can find them here:


(sorry, that was the best search i could get for the results needed, you have to filter out the other stuff)


I would imagine your best bet would probably be:


As it doesnt interfere with the database at all, its all powered by text files.


Best wishes,



I've been told that the reason the Categories Description contribution didn't work for me was because I'm also using the Header Tags Controller contrib. I also have Ultimate SEO URLs contrib installed. Is there anything I can do to add new text to the category pages without using Categories Description??
Why not just use the Categories Description option already built into Header Tags, especially since you already have it installed? As far as Categories Description working with Header Tags, it works fine. It is just that they both use the same section of code in index.php so only one can be active. Other than that, there is no conflict at all.



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Why not just use the Categories Description option already built into Header Tags, especially since you already have it installed? As far as Categories Description working with Header Tags, it works fine. It is just that they both use the same section of code in index.php so only one can be active. Other than that, there is no conflict at all.



Tony & Jack - Thank you so much for the help. I will download that other description contrib as it definitely sounds like a simpler version of the same thing. And I'll also have to go back and check my Header Tags as I didn't see it having any option to alter on-page text, only page titles and meta tags. The version I have is HeaderTags_V_2.5.5 from http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,207/


Yep, it's already in there. Just go to admin->catalog and click on Edit for a category. You should see a big box at the bottom of the right column. Any text you type in there will be displayed under the page heading for that category. Note that if you have Categories Description installed, you will need to disable it in admin in order to see that box and that the code to display it would have had to have been added in index.php when Header Tags was installed.



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