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Shipping module - US Post Office Web Tools


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Dear all,


It's me, the newbie here again. After tackling the payment options (Paypal/Check), I have now moved onto the shipping options.


We have signed up to the USPS web tools and they emailed us an account name, however their email stated that ...


IMPORTANT NOTE: The current documentation refers to a password.

Please ignore all references to password in the documentation.

Password is no longer used or required.


In the osCommerce shipping module configuration screen, I entered the user account name under the USPS section and left the password blank. On testing the shopping cart, the check out screen reads ...


United States Postal Service

An error occured with the USPS shipping calculations.

If you prefer to use USPS as your shipping method, please contact the store owner.


I gather the link to the USPS to look up the shipping cost failed because of the blank password? Can anyone shed any light on this?



Dear all,


It's me, the newbie here again. After tackling the payment options (Paypal/Check), I have now moved onto the shipping options.


We have signed up to the USPS web tools and they emailed us an account name, however their email stated that ...


IMPORTANT NOTE: The current documentation refers to a password.

Please ignore all references to password in the documentation.

Password is no longer used or required.


In the osCommerce shipping module configuration screen, I entered the user account name under the USPS section and left the password blank. On testing the shopping cart, the check out screen reads ...


United States Postal Service

An error occured with the USPS shipping calculations.

If you prefer to use USPS as your shipping method, please contact the store owner.


I gather the link to the USPS to look up the shipping cost failed because of the blank password? Can anyone shed any light on this?




Have a look over this thread,

http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=85982. I've since quit using this in favor of flat rate shipping etc. But it was only a few months ago I installed and set it up. The password no longer being used threw me for a loop too. But just leave that field blank should be fine. Also there are tons of messages on the forum about this error do a quick search and you'll see many of the suggestions and problems others may have had. I never could get it to work in test mode. But as soon as it was set to production server it worked like a charm.


-- Mindy

Have a look over this thread,

http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=85982. I've since quit using this in favor of flat rate shipping etc. But it was only a few months ago I installed and set it up. The password no longer being used threw me for a loop too. But just leave that field blank should be fine. Also there are tons of messages on the forum about this error do a quick search and you'll see many of the suggestions and problems others may have had. I never could get it to work in test mode. But as soon as it was set to production server it worked like a charm.


-- Mindy


Hi Mindy,


Thank you very much for your reply and great suggestions. We've called USPS and activated the account and it's now all working, we now get 3 delivery options with the corresponding cost when we check out of the shopping cart. It was not totally straight forward though, here are the details ...


The request to usps didn't work initially after the activation, I checked the module and the production server setting was correct in the php file, nonetheless, I cut and pasted the server details from the usps email into the php file, just in case, as I am not sure if it's case sensitive.


Also I switched the 'shipping' zone from "MA" to "None", I noticed the shipping zone has stopped any option from appearing before, just like for payment option, if 'payment zone' is set to anything but none, no payment option will show up, any ideas about this?


Logically, I would have thought I need to set the shipping zone and payment zone to "MA" for it to work out correct shipping cost and sales tax etc. With both of these set to none, would it affect the sales tax (I am not in the USA, so am very ignorant about this sort of things, the business I am setting the web site up for is in Boston, MA).


Lastly, the icon for the usps was missing on the shipping screen. Upon inspection of the url for the image, it was looking for it in ... icons\shipping_usps.gif. This folder didn't exist, so I created it and copied the file from ... \images\icons\shipping_usps.gif and it's now working. Is it a bug in the osCommerce install, causing it to look for images in the wrong place.




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