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The e-commerce.

State Taxes problem


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Hey all, I hope you can help me with this TAX problem.


In Tax Zones I setup a zone for North Carolina, then in Tax Rates I setup a zone for North Carolina.


The problem is it is charging tax no matter what state the customer is from.


I'm lost at this poing and can someone maybe tell me what to check?





So what I did was do a FRESH install, and then set the state in the Store Config to "North Carolina"


I also ran this on the database on the fresh install:

DELETE FROM geo_zones;
DELETE FROM zones_to_geo_zones;
DELETE FROM tax_rates;

INSERT INTO geo_zones (geo_zone_id,geo_zone_name,geo_zone_description,date_added) 
   VALUES (1,"North Carolina","North Carolina local sales tax zone",now());

INSERT INTO zones_to_geo_zones (association_id,zone_country_id,zone_id,geo_zone_id,date_added) 
   VALUES (1,223,18,1,now()); # USA/North Carolina

INSERT INTO tax_rates ( tax_rates_id, tax_zone_id, tax_class_id, tax_rate, tax_description, last_modified, date_added)
   VALUES (1, 1, 1, 7.0, 'NC TAX 7.0%', now(), now());


Now this is a fresh install and the store still charges tax no matter what state or zip code the customer registers under.


Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong....


Is this a bug in osCommerce???? :blink:




So why you emptied half the geo/zones tables? Put them back then just define your zones to cover the areas you're planning to use for shipping.


I don't see why this is an osc bug.


Well what I just now did was install a fresh copy again in a sub-domain.

The default is Florida for osCommerce.


So I changed nothing and and then registered as


Jake Jammin

123 Back St.

Daytona Beach, 32114

United States


and then added a movie to the cart then went to checkout.


It does not show the TAX for FL at all in checkout.


So I go in and look in the ACP


Tax Rates:

1 Taxable Goods Florida 7%


Tax Zones:

United States Florida


In My Store:

Zone Florida


Could this be a server issue some how, because I just moved to a new host and/or a permissions problem even though there are no errors displayed????


ok now create a test customer account and set the state to florida country US. and try it. It should apply the tax.


Then create the zones and the tax rates and you should be ok. You see if the zone is not covered when the customer creates an account not tax will be applied to his orders.


That's what I did, I registered as:

Jake Jammin

123 Back St.

Daytona Beach, Florida 32114

United States

It did not show the tax for when I tried to checkout.


Now this will toss you for a loop.


I went and copied the files to my hard drive and then setup my Apache testing server.

Went to the register and changed the nameservers to my server's.

Changed my network card's dns and flushed the dns resolver.


made a change on the site to make sure I was pointing to my server and not the host.

Yes I'm now looking at the site on my server now.


The site and TAX works fine!


So what possibly be the problem.

All I did is point the domain's nameserver to my server and it is fine now.

If it is a NC address, you get tax, if not you don't......


Could this be a permission problem some how???


Also sorry I'm so wrapped up in this I forgot to say:


Thank you Mark for helping me!


the only other thing is to set the product to be taxable via the osc admin when editing products. That's at least how it works with a plain osc. Server changes should not matter with respect to taxes. Everything is retrieved from the database.

the only other thing is to set the product to be taxable via the osc admin when editing products. That's at least how it works with a plain osc. Server changes should not matter with respect to taxes. Everything is retrieved from the database.


Yep, you're right there Mark....


I was being a re-tard.......... Sorry :blush:



THANK YOU for the help man!! :thumbsup:


Yes go into the admin panel.

Under Locations / Taxes

Tax Zones


Delete that is in there. Then click insert, and create a zone folder.

Then click on that zone folder and go in there, and click insert and make the zone.


Then go to Tax Rates, and delete what is there, then insert and add in a rate for the zone you created.




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