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Migration From One ISP to Another


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We are tasked with moving a hosting entity offered OSCommerce catalog to another that supports the same. We did not originally design the catalog. I have plenty of documentation to perform the installation and setup -but nothing for migrating to a new server. My question is - since the catalog has not been upgraded or touched in over two years where it is now, is there a possibility of there being version confusion - meaning that the current version at iPowerWeb.Com possibly being different from the version being offered at Web.Com (Interland) where we want to move the site catalog over to. Both hosting entities offer OSCommerce as part of their basic offerings. Does anyone know if there may be any surprises in the migration I would need to be aware of before initiating this - licensing issues, etc...? Feedback would be greatly appreciated :rolleyes:

We are tasked with moving a hosting entity offered OSCommerce catalog to another that supports the same. We did not originally design the catalog. I have plenty of documentation to perform the installation and setup -but nothing for migrating to a new server. My question is - since the catalog has not been upgraded or touched in over two years where it is now, is there a possibility of there being version confusion - meaning that the current version at iPowerWeb.Com possibly being different from the version being offered at Web.Com (Interland) where we want to move the site catalog over to. Both hosting entities offer OSCommerce as part of their basic offerings. Does anyone know if there may be any surprises in the migration I would need to be aware of before initiating this - licensing issues, etc...? Feedback would be greatly appreciated :rolleyes:




Do the following stpes

1)Take data base backup.

2)Via FTP download the whole site ( You need to chk that no file is missed).

3)Now UPload the whole site to the new location.

4)Upload the data base

5)Modify the includes/config.php and Admin/config.php


This should do.


The other issues that might come in are the environmental issues ike

1)Register globals to be on.

2)If using Payment gateways that do need Pear and Curl then making sure that the service provider has and pointing it to the right direction


Satish Mantri

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