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Serious error


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Dunno if this is the right place to put this, but I can't find any better place. If you moderators think it is best in another place then feel free to move it.


I've installed FCKosc and following it to 100% what the manual says, but instead of the FCKeditor appearing an advertisement for infodial is shown!!


I need some serious help here, anyone had the same problem?

Dunno if this is the right place to put this, but I can't find any better place. If you moderators think it is best in another place then feel free to move it.


I've installed FCKosc and following it to 100% what the manual says, but instead of the FCKeditor appearing an advertisement for infodial is shown!!


I need some serious help here, anyone had the same problem?


scuse my ignorance but whats FCKosc?

ah, i see!


try Here for more specific help.



Thanks but that thread had no information on my error. Is there a way to revert the module and get back to the standard editor?


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