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The e-commerce.

Installation problms


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Hi I'm trying to install osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051113


But i have a few problems. I have created the database and the user, and that works on the server when i try it.


But when i run the install i enter new installation, then enter the information, the next screen appers and the only thing on it is new installation and database import.


When i check my logs for both apache and mysql i see no errors or anything to indicate a problem.


My server info:

Debian server.

PHP Version 4.3.10-16

Apache stable 1.3.33

Mysql stable 4.0.24


I have two virtual hosts on the apache server.


The virtual host i'm trying to install oscommerce on has the following configuration:

<VirtualHost *>
	ServerName clausdal.dk
	ServerAlias www.clausdal.dk, *.clausdal.dk
	DocumentRoot /www/clausdal.dk
	php_flag register_globals on
	php_flag register_long_array on


and works fine except for the oscommerce thing.


Any ideas?


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