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The e-commerce.

Install on local computer

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Convinced me that configuring my cart on my pc and then uploading it was better than trying to configure it threw the file manager while it was installed on my hosts server.


Now I need help, I've read so much I think my brain shut down.


I've downloaded osCommerce to my hard drive, I've installed xampp and changed it to php 4


Now here is where I'm stuck after searching and searching.


I have xammp installed and oscommerce downloaded how do I get to the point where I can play with the cart and start configuring it.


I'm not sure how to use xampp to run osCommerce. I've read most of the install guides but most deal with installing it on the hosts server. I want to run it on my local hard drive with xp so I can play around with configuring it. Then upload it to my hosts server.


My webhost has already loaded osCommerce on the server but I want to know the ins and outs of it so I can fix it if something goes wrong. The only way to do that is to use it.


But I can't seem to find any documentation on how to run osCommerce with xampp.


HTML I'm familiar with but not this.



Thank you for your help. Especially EWW.





Anybody? :)


You need to change the configuration file on your system for localhost (and not the http:// addresses. Also change the paths to the local systems directory.. something like C:\xampp\htdocs\ so whereever you have the htdocs for it.



You can either run the installer and let it do these things, or you need to open your browser and go to http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/ and create a db by the sanem name then get a current backup from the mysql database on the real server and load it into the sql db on your local computer.


Everything should be ok.

My Contributions


Henry Smith


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